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  • De-linking CBW from Nuclear Deterrence

    President Obama’s Nuclear Posture Review1 has raised hopes of universally fine-tuning nuclear deterrence; using it ‘fundamentally’ against the nuclear threats. This article attempts to underline the issues involved in de-linking Chemical and Biological weapons’ threats from nuclear use.

    April-June 2010

    Escalation of Tensions in the Korean Peninsula and China’s Role

    The one country that has not condemned North Korea’s role in the sinking of the Cheonan is China, which has its own strategic and economic compulsions to back North Korea.

    June 01, 2010

    Ideology sans Jargon? Contextualising Xi Jinping’s Politics of Simplification

    Xi Jinping's attempt to dejargonise political language is timely. however, how it impacts the ideology is going to be important.

    May 24, 2010

    Kim Jong-Il’s China Visit, Cheonan, Future of SPT and China’s Role

    The Cheonan incident came at a very inopportune time for North Korea, irrespective of the fact whether Pyongyang had any hand in it or not.

    May 11, 2010

    Google China ‘Warfare’: Turning a non issue to win-win strategy

    If freedom of expression was the issue then other American internet service companies like Microsoft and Yahoo! should have also exited China along with Google.

    April 05, 2010

    Locating Singapore in India’s Strategic Radar

    India needs to engage Singapore more robustly so as to enable the forging of deeper and more broad-based friendships in the Southeast Asian region through Singapore’s good offices.

    April 01, 2010

    As China prepares for post-Dalai Lama Tibet, what is India to do with the Tibetan Exiles?

    While China has shown eagerness for the Dalai Lama’s return to China, it has categorically refused to take back the exiled Tibetan population based in India.

    March 25, 2010

    The 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan Struggle: What is the future?

    China has to accept that the long term solution to Tibetan discontent lies in granting greater autonomy to Tibetans instead of pursuing assimilation oriented policies.

    March 12, 2010

    China's Regime Politics: Character and Condition

    Specialists on Chinese studies are divided on whether or not China is moving towards democracy. Many scholars forcefully argue that China by now is fairly democratic. While conforming to these views, this article prompts the thesis that China is already somewhat democratic today and is becoming more so. This is argued by highlighting the trends and the progressive character in its emerging regime politics. On the surface, these progressive trends and character may be seen as rhetorical and more as a communist proposition to legitimize its ruling.

    January 2010

    The Urumqi Crisis: Effect of China's Ethno-national Politics

    Experts are still searching for a settled answer to the causes and aftermath of the violent unrest between the Han and Uyghurs in China's Xinjiang province that erupted on July 5, 2009. The long-simmering resentment of the native Uyghurs against the Han-dominated groups coupled with the deepening economic crisis is believed to have been the major reason for the ethnic riots. The questions being asked now are: Was it a crisis of ethnicity or economy? Why did the crisis manifest itself this way? And was the crisis a prelude to China's terrorism problem?

    March 2010

