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  • Saurav Pandey asked: How does the current political and security turmoil in Pakistan affect India’s security?

    Nazir Ahmad Mir replies: Pakistan has perennially faced domestic political crises and internal security challenges. In the ongoing political and economic crisis, politicians are entirely focused on safeguarding their personal and party interests. This is negatively impacting the economically weaker sections the most. To deal with the economic challenges, Islamabad has been seeking the help of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and ‘friendly countries’ like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

    Emerging Fault Lines between Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban

    Given the ideological convergence the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has with the Taliban, the latter may not be able or willing to fulfil Pakistan’s demand that its activities be curbed.

    December 09, 2022

    Escalating Tensions between Pakistan and the Taliban

    Border clashes and failure to act against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have led to rising tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    December 09, 2022

    Vineet Ravindran asked: What is Pakistan's nuclear doctrine? Is it clearly defined like India's? What role does it play in Pakistan's security policy?

    Rajiv Nayan replies: Pakistan has not yet formally issued a nuclear doctrine. However, Pakistani officials keep issuing nuclear policy statements in different forums. The Pakistan Government and even the international community treat these declaratory statements as Pakistan’s nuclear doctrine.

    Decoding Pakistan’s Cartographic Aggression Against India

    Territorial disputes between India and Pakistan got a new dimension with the release of a new political map by the latter on 4 August 2020, apparently in response to India’s move to administratively reorganize the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Widely described as ‘cartographic aggression’ against India, the new map lays claim over many parts of India. The article traces the historicity of map-making as a nation-building project for Pakistan and seeks to decipher the strategic objectives behind this move.

    January 2022

    Opportunity of the Century

    The year 1971’s geostrategic significance for the Indian subcontinent rivals that of 1947 when British India was divided into India and Pakistan. While the roots of Bangladesh's secession from Pakistan lay firmly within the Pakistani polity, India's political support for the Bangladesh freedom movement and its military intervention were crucial for the liberation of Bangladesh. The Indian campaign for the liberation of Bangladesh was brilliantly conceived and deftly executed.

    November 2021

    Vineet R. asked: Historically, what has been the Palestinian position on Kashmir?

    Adil Rasheed replies: According to the Ministry of External Affairs, “India’s support for the Palestinian cause is an integral part of our nation’s foreign policy”.

    National Security Policy of Pakistan: Acknowledging Climate and Water Stress

    Outlining Pakistan’s vision and global engagement in the context of strategic and security trends, the recently released National Security Policy of Pakistan also acknowledges a serious need for a robust water management mechanism and an inclusive climate change policy.

    March 02, 2022

    Ashutosh Kumar asked: What is the difference between sleeper cells and hybrid militants?

    Adil Rasheed replies: In recent times, the term ‘hybrid militant’ has been the subject of intense scrutiny and discussion. The term is used by the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Police for youths who are not listed as militants in its records, but who carry out terrorist attacks and then keep living as regular civilians, without going underground.

