United States of America (USA)

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  • Foreign Policy and Domestic Challenges before Kan Naoto

    Getting the economy back on track would be Kan’s top most priority. Kan views ties with the US as the core of Japan’s foreign policy, though he also greatly values the relationship with China.

    June 09, 2010

    Promises, Compromises and a Tie-Breaker: NPT RevCon 2010 was an Otiose Event

    The RevCon, after abundant manoeuvring and political one-upmanship, finalised quite ‘consensually’ a much diluted and defeatist document that promises to ensure that disarmament remains a dream.

    June 09, 2010

    Detonating Chemical Weapons: Technology and Safety Paradox

    The US Army’s decision to use controlled detonation through EDTs could complete the destruction task earlier than the current methods allow. EDTs are the appropriate supplements to current methods of neutralization followed by bio-treatment. US Army requires working in close cooperation with resident groups by effectively demonstrating them the technology that could address their concerns over environment and safety.

    April-June 2010

    De-linking CBW from Nuclear Deterrence

    President Obama’s Nuclear Posture Review1 has raised hopes of universally fine-tuning nuclear deterrence; using it ‘fundamentally’ against the nuclear threats. This article attempts to underline the issues involved in de-linking Chemical and Biological weapons’ threats from nuclear use.

    April-June 2010

    Engaging Pakistan: Shift in the Post-Mumbai Posture

    Engaging Pakistan would reduce tension between the two countries, deflect international pressure on India to resume the dialogue, and ensure that Pakistan does not have an excuse to divert its troops from the Western border.

    June 07, 2010

    Fluidity in Japanese Politics

    Hatoyama’s downfall was primarily brought about by his failure to fulfil the pre-election promise to relocate the US Marine Corps Air Station in Futenma outside of Okinawa prefecture.

    June 07, 2010

    The “Cheonan” Fallout: Erosion of Confidence

    The Cheonan assault has revealed to South Korea that the threat from North Korea is still ominous and capable of delivering unexpected damage.

    June 07, 2010

    Escalation of Tensions in the Korean Peninsula and China’s Role

    The one country that has not condemned North Korea’s role in the sinking of the Cheonan is China, which has its own strategic and economic compulsions to back North Korea.

    June 01, 2010

    Iran and the NPT RevCon 2010

    While the United States charges Iran of being in non-compliance with its NPT obligations, Iran points out that the United States and other NPT nuclear weapon states are in non-compliance of Articles IV and VI, among other provisions.

    May 04, 2010

    Af-Pak and India’s Strategic Innocence

    Afghanistan was a test case for our foreign policy resolve, an arena where while leveraging other tools of foreign policy, use of instruments of force and military diplomacy/intelligence should have been predominant.

    April 02, 2010

