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  • China’s Strategic Assessment of Japan

    Chinese policymakers’ distrust of Japan could deepen the political chasm between the two countries, as Japan is at the cusp of a leadership change.

    September 18, 2024

    South Korea and Nuclear Weapons: An Analysis

    In recent months, public support for South Korea’s own nuclear weapons has increased.

    September 06, 2024

    China’s Informationised Combat Capabilities

    China’s establishment of the PLA Information Support Force (ISF) in April 2024 is a move to ensure information dominance and military modernisation.

    August 28, 2024

    Fumio Kishida’s Legacy and Likely Prospects for Japan’s Next PM

    Fumio Kishida can justly be regarded as a worthy inheritor of Shinzo Abe’s key policies.

    August 23, 2024

    South Korea’s Response to Russia–North Korea ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

    The signing of a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ agreement between Russia and North Korea for mutual defence assistance has raised serious concerns in South Korea.

    August 14, 2024

    China’s Overseas Police Stations: Global Concerns

    The proliferation of China’s Overseas Police Stations underscores the urgent need for international scrutiny and diplomatic actions.

    July 30, 2024

    The Politics of North Korea’s ‘Garbage Balloons’ in South Korea

    The unprecedented ‘garbage bombing’ incidents reflect the fragility of the security situation on the Korean Peninsula.

    July 24, 2024

    Japan’s Currency Crisis and Its Implications

    Japan’s path to recovery from the economic ‘lost decades’ is obstructed by a deepening currency crisis.

    July 23, 2024

    Ranjit Kumar Dhawan

    Associate Fellow

