Akash Sahu

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  • Mr Akash Sahu was a Research Analyst with the Centre for Southeast Asia and Oceania at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile.

    Bangladesh in Transition: Foreign Investments and Supply Chains

    Bangladesh’s ability to sustain FDI and its role in regional supply chains is in focus after the recent domestic political turmoil.

    August 27, 2024

    Eastwards Ho? India’s Relations with the Indo-Pacific

    Eastwards Ho? India’s Relations with the Indo-Pacific edited by E. Sridharan comprising 15 essays by renowned experts on Asian geopolitics, seeks to place India on the strategic map of the evolving Indo-Pacific region as an economic and geopolitical power. At the outset, the editor provides a succinct overview of economic integration in Asia, particularly of China with its neighbours reflected in a massive increase in bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs).

    September 2022

    Myanmar’s Junta Is Running out Of Time to Make Progress on ASEAN Peace Plan

    September 03, 2022

    Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Mr Akash Sahu’s article ‘Myanmar’s junta is running out of time to make progress on Asean peace plan’ has been published in South China Morning Post on 03 September 2022.

    As the government is squeezed by internal opposition and external isolation, the fear is that it will take even more drastic measures to stay in power, says Mr Sahu.

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    The Pacific Islands and Geopolitical Jostling: Can India Play a Stabilising Role?

    India can carve a niche as a capacity-builder in helping the southern Pacific countries meet developmental goals and tackle climate change.

    September 02, 2022

    Increased Drug Trade in Golden Triangle: Security Implications

    The Shan state of Myanmar is the largest producer of illegal drugs within the infamous Golden Triangle—a tri-junction at the Myanmar, Laos and Thailand borders.

    July 28, 2022

    India-ASEAN Relations: The Need to Reconsider RCEP

    July 22, 2022

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Mr Akash Sahu’s article ‘India-ASEAN Relations: The Need to Reconsider RCEP’ has been published by Fulcrum by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, on 22 July 2022.

    There was no mention of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership when the foreign ministers of India and ASEAN met in New Delhi last month. India opted out of RCEP negotiations in 2019. New Delhi might want to reconsider its position.

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    Why it’s So Hard to Quit Chinese Steel

    May 04, 2022

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Mr Akash Sahu’s article ‘Why it’s so hard to quit Chinese steel’ has been published by ‘Pacific Forum’ on 4 May, 2022.

    India–Japan Economic Ties Key to Regional Stability

    April 28, 2022

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Mr Akash Sahu’s article 'India–Japan economic ties key to regional stability' appeared on the East Asia Forum on 28 April, 2022.

    Stronger India–Japan economic ties can help synergise their foreign policy, which is crucial to maintaining the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific, says Mr Sahu.

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    India and the Philippines: Towards a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

    A Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and the Philippines would be fruitful in not only strengthening the bilateral relations between the two, but also in adding heft to the security architecture of the Indo-Pacific.

    April 01, 2022

    Southeast Asian Defence Markets: Opportunities for India

    A larger exchange of defence business between India and Southeast Asia may consolidate India’s position in the regional security architecture, and also forge greater political alignment with important ASEAN partners.

    December 29, 2021

