Ruchita Beri Publications

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    • Africa Trends

      The African Union (AU) became a full member of the G20 during the September 2023 summit hosted by India. This move, accepted by G20 members, underscores Africa's growing importance and India's efforts to amplify the Global South's voice. Africa's resilience, rich natural resources, and demographic growth are attracting global attention. India's G20 presidency, themed "One Earth, One Family, One Future," emphasized inclusivity, particularly towards Africa. Major powers, including the US, China, and Japan, are enhancing their presence in Africa.

    • Book
      • Publisher: Pentagon Press
      This volume delves into the multifaceted relationship between India and African countries, focusing on their evolving security, economic, energy and technological cooperation. It tracks the development of this partnership, highlighting India`s proactive involvement in Africa. The volume examines India`s contributions to African security, including maritime security, as well as its role in addressing energy and food security challenges on the continent. It also delves into the complexities of cybersecurity and skill development, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts to tackle mutual concerns. Through a detailed analysis, this volume provides valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing the strategic partnership between India and Africa in the years ahead.
      • ISBN: 9788197198687 ,
      • Price: ₹ 1295/-
      • E-copy available
    • Book
      • Publisher: Pentagon Press
      This book represents an effort to present views on peace, security and development partnership between India and the African countries. India and Africa both recognise that peace, security and development are intimately interwoven. While peace ensures opportunity for development, security enables as well as protects fruits of development. Africa is a continent which has witnessed many conflicts. However, Africa has also witnessed economic growth and political reform in the past decade. This volume brings together perspectives from Indian and African experts on diverse issues such as security, trade, development, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, terrorism and climate change. It will be of interest to students and researchers of African studies, India- Africa relations and security studies.
      • ISBN: 9788196872298 ,
      • Price: ₹ 1295/-
    • Journal of Defence Studies

      India’s defence cooperation with African countries is on the rise. This cooperation is to some extent driven by the common security challenges faced by these countries. It is also guided by three principles: keeping African priorities first, SAGAR (Security and Growth for All) and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, the World is One Family. Training of African defence officers, involvement in United Nations Peacekeeping on the continent and maritime cooperation are the three pillars of defence engagement with African countries.

    • IDSA News

      Consultant, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Ms Ruchita Beri co- authored a publication ‘The Future of BRICS: Between Objectives and Challenges’, published by the Stimson Centre, USA.

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      November 10, 2023
    • IDSA News

      Consultant Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Ms Ruchita Beri’s opinion piece ‘What does India’s invitation to the African Union during the G20 Presidency imply?’ has been published in ‘Awaaz’, The Voice, on 09 September 2023.

      It is hoped that India will be able to secure a consensus for the entry of AU as a full member of G20. This step would give due recognition to a resurgent Africa and enhance the voice of the developing countries on the global stage.

      September 09, 2023
    • IDSA News

      Consultant Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Ms Ruchita Beri’s article ‘India's G20 presidency: A priority to engage Africa’ has been published in India vs Disinformation, on 07 September 2023.

      To amplify the voice of the Global South, India has pitched for making African Union a permanent member of the G20 and if a proposal to this regard is accepted during the group’s summit in New Delhi, this will lead to making it become more inclusive and representative, says Ms Beri.

      September 07, 2023
    • IDSA News

      Consultant, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Ms Ruchita Beri’s article ‘15th BRICS Summit: Expansion and cooperation mechanism receive a boost’ has been published in India vs Disinformation, on 25 August 2023.

      With the admission of six countries to the BRICS at the Johannesburg summit, weight of the group at the international level has increased, but along with this what has essentially got a push has been its cooperation mechanism--all this, among member countries, says Ms Beri.

      August 25, 2023
    • IDSA Comments

      The coup in Niger has deep regional and international implications and may lead to increase in major power contestations in the region.

      August 22, 2023
    • Africa Trends

      The African Union (AU) marks its 20th anniversary this year, marking two decades of searching for African solutions for African problems. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and continuous conflicts in some parts of the region have made the going tough. It is clear that as the African Union prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2022, it should redouble efforts to address the peace and security challenges on the continent.

