Amnesty International calls for effective arms trade treaty; Egypt's new prime minister Kamal Al Ganzouri: Egypt’s army to give new PM extra powers; Egypt rights groups decides to fight police, military violations; President and members of Advisory Counci
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    According to reports, in light of Egyptian security forces’ use of foreign-made teargas and other ammunition, Amnesty International called for enforcing an effective global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The United States’ supply of ammunition to Egypt’s security forces prompted Amnesty’s call for munitions use to be included among the conventional arms regulated by the treaty. 1

    In another development, according to reports, after critics have accused the military of failing to give the last Cabinet enough clout, Egypt's new prime minister Kamal Al Ganzouri said that the ruling army would grant him presidential powers except those concerning the judiciary and armed forces. 2

    According to reports, five Egyptian human rights organisations decided to withdraw from a global campaign for women’s rights, instead directing their efforts into fighting violations by the police and military forces in light of clashes that took place in November 2011. Nazra for Feminist Studies, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, the New Woman Foundation, El-Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and the Women and Memory Forum have planned 16-day activities under the theme “Militarism and Ending Violence against Women.” 3

    In other develoepmts, according to reports, former Minister of Information Mansour Hassan was elected President of the Advisory Council formed by Egypt’s military council. Sameh Ashour, head of the Lawyers’ Syndicate, and Abul Ela Mady, head of Al-Wasat Party, were chosen as his deputies. The council was established based on a decree issued by the military ruler to assist the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in governing the country until a new president is elected by the end of June 2012. Its role is completely consultative, while final decisions would be left to SCAF. 4
