Vivek Chadha Publications

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    • The large scale social and economic disruption caused by COVID-19 has brought to our attention the socio-economic plight of urban migrant workers and the need for a more effective information dissemination.

      April 13, 2020
      Issue Brief
    • The adverse impact of lowering of colour service of soldiers below pensionable service will not only be felt at the structural and functional level but also the psychological level.

      February 14, 2020
      Issue Brief
    • The Sino-Indian boundary dispute remains the most enduring and challenging problem that bedevils relations between India and China. With a history of well over a century of differences on the border alignment, and a war that represented its lowest point in their relations, the two countries remain suspicious of each other’s motives, actions and statements emanating from them and their possible implications.

      Journal of Defence Studies
    • The Indian Army is in the process of a transformative effort, envisaging changes not only at the apex level, within the Army Headquarters, but also in the field, with the concept of Integrated Battle Groups likely to be implemented soon. The past record of major changes within the army suggests an incremental approach, and also disconnect between doctrinal thought and restructuring. The only exception were the changes post the 1975 military reforms.

      Journal of Defence Studies
      • Publisher: KW Publishers
      The Kargil conflict was fought 20 years ago. However, it continues to remain relevant for strategic analysts, military historians, academics, armed forces personnel and diplomats. This book, delves into the structures, planning processes and procedures adopted while pursuing diplomacy, higher direction of war and strategic communications, on both sides of the Line of Control during the Kargil conflict. In doing so, existing arguments are challenged and alternative conclusions drawn. This includes the debate around the decision not to cross the LoC during operations, the decision making process involved with the employment of air power and limitations of existing strategic communication structures of the armed forces, as observed during the conflict.

      The second part of the book employs Kargil and the succeeding 20 years, as the basis for analysing the changing character of war. This includes a study of its implications on the notion of victory and shifts needed while pursuing diplomacy, higher direction of war and strategic communications. It also introduces the concept of finite and infinite game theory to conflicts in the sub-continental context, in an attempt to contextualise it through a fresh perspective.

      • ISBN: 978-93-89137-13-2,
      • Price: ₹.880/-
      • E-copy available
    • Pakistan’s hybrid war is a reality. India’s efforts need to be oriented towards countering such a war.

      February 20, 2019
      Policy Brief
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Col Vivek Chadha’s article on restructuring of the Indian Army, titled ‘Restructure of Indian Army must address defence challenges faced by country, not just its budgetary concerns’ was published in ‘Firstpost’ on September 20, 2018.

      September 20, 2018
      IDSA News
    • The emergence of Al Qaeda on the global stage marked a shift, in more ways than one. Amongst these, it was perhaps the ability to run a corporatised terrorist organisation, with global affiliates who owed allegiance to the mother ship, that set new standards for terrorism. This interlinked global footprint, of not necessarily like-minded organisations, presented a challenge to states, which were neither as quick to adapt, nor as willing to cooperate.

      Strategic Analysis
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Col Vivek Chadha’s article on Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, titled ‘Five contributions Atal Bihari Vajpayee made to India’s national security’ was published in ‘Daily O’ on August 17, 2018.

      The article offer a collective glimpse of the former Prime Minister's contributions and achievements.

      Read Complete Article [+]

      August 17, 2018
      IDSA News
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Col Vivek Chadha’s article on Pakistan’s policies after elections, titled ‘His Master's Voice: Imran Khan is only the new mask on Pakistan's old face’ was published in ‘Daily O’ on August 1, 2018.

      The article dubs Imran Khan’s position as one with little freedom to decide any policies on Kashmir, India, etc., sans the Pakistani military, and suggests that India must keep its responses real, knowing the latter's core beliefs.

      August 01, 2018
      IDSA News

