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  • India and the Nuclear High Road: Nuclear Cooperation Agreements with Japan and Australia

    Apart from the United States, India's nuclear cooperation agreements with Japan and Australia have been the most contentious domestically within those countries. The 'slow embrace' of India's civil nuclear credentials by Japan — given the four years for negotiations to begin (after the December 2006 Joint Statement which talked about discussions regarding such an agreement with India) in addition to the six years it took for negotiations to bear fruit — took place despite the strategic context of increasingly closer economic, political, and security ties.


    Utkarsh Dwivedi asked: Can India's International North-South Transport Corridor be a counter to China's Belt and Road Initiative?

    Meena Singh Roy replies: The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is not a counter to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). INSTC was conceived long before BRI came into picture. INSTC is a join initiative taken by India, Russia and Iran. The ‘Inter-Governmental Agreement on International “North-South” Transport Corridor’ was signed by the three countries in Saint Petersburg on September 12, 2000.

    Considered Chaos: Revisiting Pakistan’s ‘Strategic Depth’ in Afghanistan

    Pakistan’s historical insecurity towards India and the Islamisation of its military raises a curious question of strategy and identity rooted in Pakistan’s political genesis. This article examines the social and geostrategic factors underpinning Pakistan’s Afghanistan approach between its inheritance of security principles from colonial administration after Partition, and the Taliban’s capture of Kabul in 1996 and beyond. This article also critically analyses the existing link between the Taliban and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI).

    July 2019

    Defence Agenda for Modi Government 2.0

    Implementing the outlined 27 reform measures in four broad areas – Planning, Defence Budget, Acquisition and Make in India – would strengthen defence preparedness and build a credible defence industrial base.

    June 06, 2019

    Modi’s Agenda 2.0 for the Middle East

    During his first term, Modi had invested considerable political capital in cultivating critical players. The second term should enable him to reap the fruits of his political investments and elevate his engagements to a higher level.

    May 24, 2019

    Manudev asked: What is the importance of South America in general and Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela in particular in India's foreign policy?

    Sanjay Badri-Maharaj replies: The Latin America-Caribbean (LAC) region, in general, has been accorded limited priority in Indian foreign policy.

    Singapore’s Fake News Act: Lessons for India

    By implementing the Protection from Online Falsehood and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 2019, Singapore is demonstrating resolve to fight the growing spread of false news and misinformation campaigns.

    May 17, 2019

    Kailash asked: What is India's idea of a 'new world order'?

    Adil Rasheed replies: The term ‘New World Order’ has been bandied by many triumphant powers in history to enforce their hegemonic writ on the world through political, ideological, militaristic, economic, legislative and diplomatic means.

    India at the OIC: Recognition of a Rising Global Power

    The best option would be for India to continue to work with individual members of the OIC to establish friendly relations and deepen bilateral cooperation, and work to negate the machinations of Pakistan within the OIC.

    March 25, 2019

    A no-deal Brexit and its implications

    The implications of a no-deal Brexit, particularly on EU-UK trade relations, security and the rights of the citizens, would be grave and irreparable.

    February 22, 2019

