P. K. Upadhyay

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  • P.K. Upadhyay was a Consultant with Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses for its Pakistan Project.

    Sharm Al-Sheikh Indo-Pak Joint Statement: A Different Perspective

    As the din and the dust raised by the Sharm al-Sheikh document settles down, it seems to be opening new possibilities for India to effectively deal with the emerging situation in Pakistan by finally being able to encourage and back ideas of democratic federalism and non sectarian polity in that country. The reference to Baluchistan in the Sharm al-Sheikh Joint Statement has invited the sharpest reactions. But, has not that reference elevated the issue of continuing Pakistani persecution of the Baluchs to an international level?

    August 07, 2009

    Talibisation of Pakistan: Implications for Jammu and Kashmir

    Taliban represent a present and clear danger to Pakistan. This is because, firstly, they seem to have finally lost faith in Pakistani commitment towards their cause and are not willing to accommodate any more its policy of running with the Talibani hare and hunting with the American hound.

    July 02, 2009

