Pakistan Politics

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  • Tehrik Labaik Pakistan and the Politics of the Religious Right

    The ban imposed on the Tehrik Labaik Pakistan (TLP) by the Pakistan government will not defang the religious radicalism that forms its core strength.

    May 04, 2021

    Imran Khan and Pakistan’s Enduring Political Crisis

    While Imran Khan’s efforts to build legitimacy around his ‘personality’ as a religious person and a crusader against corruption do not seem to have convinced many people, his government’s inability to bring the much-promised tabdeeli (‘change’) to Pakistan is beginning to hurt him politically.

    January 04, 2021

    Partha Samal asked: How did Pakistan become a hotbed for radical Wahhabism? How was liberal Sufism replaced by radical Wahhabism?

    Ashok Kumar Behuria replies: Pakistan's descent into extremism has been widely written about. The most credible accounts come from Pakistani scholars and analysts. It is well-known that the demand for Pakistan had an Islamist ring about it and leaders including and following Muhammad Ali Jinnah have used Islam for political purposes which has given legitimacy to continuing demands for Islamisation over the years.

    Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Compounds Pakistan’s Worries

    The Pakistan state has clearly failed to suppress the voice of the Pashtuns in the face of their indomitable courage to fight for their rights, and as they say, within the confines of the Pakistan Constitution.

    June 18, 2020

    Pakistan: The Balochistan Conundrum

    It is not often that Pakistan is talked of in terms of the diversities it embodies. It is, perhaps, its descent into extremism and violence that has overshadowed every other characteristic of the country. Tilak Devasher peeks into this rather less traversed dimension and provides an analysis on the festering insurgency in Balochistan. The book provides a lucid account of Balochistan’s history, geography, and demography.

    March 2020

    Abysmal Human Rights Situation in Balochistan

    The movement of the Baloch people is likely to continue because of the strong undercurrent of popular disaffection in the province against the Pakistan state, and the sustained enthusiasm of the people to fight for their freedom, autonomy and rights

    May 30, 2020

    COVID-19 Crisis and Pakistan-China Equation

    China is too important for Pakistan’s power elite, given that their stakes are tied firmly to the success of Chinese-funded infrastructure projects. Similarly, China would also need dependable and loyal allies like Pakistan willing to support and disseminate the emerging Chinese narrative on COVID-19.

    April 15, 2020

    Pakistan’s Fight Against COVID-19: Analysing Delivery Deficiencies

    It is feared that Imran Khan’s move to sideline the already alienated opposition and continuous bickering between the federal and provincial governments would undermine the national effort against COVID-19.

    April 10, 2020

    India’s Renewed Push on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK)

    The surge in official references to PoK has disrupted the inertia of the past years. Pushing PoK high on India’s strategic priorities will make India’s Kashmir policy more effective.

    February 17, 2020

    Pakistan Media Under Stress: Imran Fails to Walk the Talk

    The government and the military in Pakistan appear quite determined to either silence or censor media by all means. This may prove counter-productive since such restrictions can fuel further criticism, especially at a time when the government seems unable to fulfil its promises and meet the expectations of the people.

    January 17, 2020

