India-Russia Relations

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  • Navigating the India–Russia Strategic Partnership

    Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Moscow is expected to add new direction and momentum to the India–Russia bilateral partnership.

    July 08, 2024

    India–Russia Relations and India’s Act Far East Policy

    Russia’s Far East offers immense potential to further propel the India–Russia bilateral partnership.

    May 24, 2024

    Rajinder Singh asked: What are the key aspects of the existing and emerging alliance between Russia and China?

    Rajorshi Roy replies: To view the Russia–China partnership through the prism of an alliance partnership would, perhaps, be a little presumptuous. This is notwithstanding the unprecedented improvement in their bilateral ties since 2014 when developments in Ukraine first broke out. It includes cooperation in sectors that have traditionally been Russia’s red lines in the form of the Arctic, Far East, Central Asia and defence.

    Western Hydrocarbon Exodus and Arctic Boycott: Opportunities for India in Russia

    India needs to seize the opportunities presented by the exit of Western companies from the Russian energy sector.

    September 15, 2022

    Prospects of Maritime Cooperation between India and Russia in Indian Ocean Region, Arctic and Russian Far East

    The India-Russia partnership is longstanding and time-tested, one of steadiest of the major relationships in the world. Although the relations between the two countries have remained exceptionally warm and cordial, their full potential has not been realised.

    India–Russia Energy Cooperation in Russian Far East

    The exit of Western oil companies from energy projects in the Russian Far East provides opportunities for India to enhance its stakes in these projects.

    June 21, 2022

    Nirav Mehta asked: How has India’s abstention from the UNSC resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine impacted its position on the global stage? What are its implications for India's strategic autonomy?

    Rajeesh Kumar replies: For India, the Ukraine crisis is a challenging foreign policy issue. Moscow and Washington are New Delhi's key strategic partners, and abandoning one is not sensible. Though ties between Washington and New Delhi have grown significantly in recent years, New Delhi still maintains a special and privileged friendship with Moscow. Therefore, at the United Nations (UN), India's response to the Ukraine crisis was cautious.

    Shashank Mittal asked: How do US–Russia relations affect India?

    Rajorshi Roy replies: Over the last eight years, US–Russia relations have deteriorated to a historic low. The Ukrainian crisis has only added to the bilateral friction amidst fears of a redo of the Cold War era animosity and zero-sum game calculation. With their differences over Russia’s position in global affairs appearing fundamental, it is unlikely that a modus vivendi between the two Great Powers is in the offing in the near future. Such a scenario complicates India's foreign policy options.

    Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement: Roadmap to India’s Strategic Access in the Arctic

    By enabling access to logistics and support facilities at each other’s bases and ports, RELOS would enhance strategic cooperation between India and Russia, and promote their future manoeuvres in the Arctic and the Indian Ocean Region.

    January 17, 2022

