European Union

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  • Theorizing EU-TRACECA Relationship in Eurasian Context

    This article contends that the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) is European Union’s (EU) most visionary trans-regional connectivity project. It theorizes the EU-TRACECA relationship to show that the TRACECA represents different regional integration concepts, and that the EU scripted it invariably for the mutual benefits of its partner states. Conceptually optimistic, the article, nonetheless, discovers certain inextricable complications in the TRACECA’s real working for varying economic profiles of and mutual conflicts among its member countries.

    September 2019

    Swati asked: What role does China play in the EU energy security, keeping in view their current involvement in the UK nuclear energy sector?

    Nandakumar Janardhanan replies: China has the highest number of upcoming nuclear reactors (including planned and proposed) in the world, and a flourishing nuclear industry which is set to be the largest nuclear energy equipment and service provider to the ‘existing and emerging’ nuclear power countries.

    A no-deal Brexit and its implications

    The implications of a no-deal Brexit, particularly on EU-UK trade relations, security and the rights of the citizens, would be grave and irreparable.

    February 22, 2019

    Alakshendra Tripathi asked: What is the 'Three Seas Initiative' and how does it impact the geopolitics in the Eurasian region?

    Abhay Kumar Singh replies: The Three Seas Initiative is a forum of Central and Eastern European (CEE) states launched in 2015. It was envisioned by Polish President Andrzej Duda and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. The Initiative seeks to create a new dynamic of cooperation among countries located at the eastern borders of the European Union (EU) in order to advance economic growth and help bridge the East-West economic gap within the EU through energy, transport, and digital connectivity.

    Formulation of a European Union Budget

    The moot point is whether member countries are clear about the EU’s economic dysfunctions and the degree of economic unification they desire for surmounting them.

    July 24, 2017

    A European Union Army: Objective or Chimera?

    The success of nascent efforts within the EU towards military integration will depend on the ability of members to reconcile existing commitments within the NATO framework vis-à-vis a EUA.

    June 30, 2017

    Britain and the European Union: Exit Now, Re-enter Later

    The EU needs Britain and Britain equally needs Europe. So, an arrangement that exists today between EU and Norway could well be a model for Britain.

    June 14, 2017

    Portents of France’s International Posture under Emanuel Macron

    Emanuel Macron is likely to set different trends with regard to policy towards the EU, the Francophone region of Africa, the UN, major powers as well as medium and pivotal countries like India and Japan.

    May 24, 2017

    A Defining Moment for France and Europe

    Two clashing visions of France were before the French voters. They chose, with many reservations, Macron and rejected Le Pen, but not wholly, for, her opposition to the EU, in some measure, enjoys the support of a sizeable section of French society.

    May 09, 2017

