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  • Nexus of Drug Trafficking and Militancy Exposed at New Delhi

    Drug trafficking has become a major source of funding for armed groups in the north east and contributes to the continuance of militancy in the region.

    April 13, 2011

    J. Singh asked: Who is more dangerous for India Islamic Terrorism, Hindu Terrorism or Naxal?

    S. Kalyanraman replies: Naxals pose the more serious challenge to India today because they seem to enjoy a measure of popular support particuarly among the tribal people. Naxals have gained popular support among the tribals because they have taken up the tribal cause and tribal discontent -- tribal peoples in India's heartland feel that they have not adequately benefited from the mineral wealth being extracted from their "land"; and that they have been generally neglected by the government which has not been providing them with governanance and civic amenities; etc. Popular support has enabled Naxals to expand their armed cadre, given them the advantage of operating more freely in tribal-dominated areas and to gather adequate intelligence about the movements of the security forces. If the Naxals manage to consolidate their presence and entrench themselves in these areas, then it will be natural for them to seek to expand the areas under their influence. While it may be too early to say whether the Naxals will be able to expand thus, what can be said with greater assurance is that a Naxal consolidation in tribal areas will prolong the insurgency, militarise the people of the area, and generally hold back the region's and the country's progress.

    In contrast, neither militant Islamists nor Hindu radicals enjoy any degree of popular support within India, which makes them that much less dangerous. But this is not to discount that they pose a serious security challenge given that they mainly target innocenet civilians in places of worship, markets, suburban trains, hotels, etc. Here, the threat from militant Islamists is more dangerous than that posed by Hindu radicals because militant Islamists are much better organised and trained and linked, going back to the Afghan jihad of the 1980s. India faces a terrorist threat not only from Indian militant Islamists but also from Pakistani militant Islamists. In addition, linkages exist between Indian and Pakistani militant Islamists on one hand and criminal networks like the D-Company on the other. And all these actors have links with the Pakistani Establishment -- Dawood and his lieutenants are based in Karachi and are under Pakistan's protection, the Lashkar-e-Taiba and other anti-India groups continue to enjoy protection in Pakistan, and Indian Islamists receive training in Pakistan and their travel is facilitated by Indian criminal networks.

    In contrast, Hindu radicals are new to this game, and, under the present circumstances, it appears unlikely that there will be state support or international support for the organisation of a group or groups committed to waging a holy war of any sort. Nor do these groups appear to enjoy any popular support.

    Vikas Kalyani asked: What can be India's contribution towards fighting the global terrorism based on the experience gained so far?

    Rumel Dahiya replies: The most important contribution that India can make in fighting terrorism globally is propagating the right conceptual framework. Delinking terrorism from religion, terrorism being bad and unacceptable under any pretext like 'root cause', defeating terrorism without putting people to hardship are the ideas that would resonate across the globe. Defeating terrorism at home through synergised efforts of all agencies of the government and cooperation of the people will send the right message to all the countries affected by terrorism. Besides setting an example of how to eliminate terrorism, India could and should cooperate with other countries through information sharing about terror networks, their financing, arms trafficking and cross-border linkages etc. However, it is not advisable to get directly involved in fighting terrorism on foreign soil.

    Maoists’ Abduction Tactic

    Abduction is a Maoist tactic to arm-twist the government and secure the release of imprisoned comrades as well as make some tactical gains by placing demands that could be projected as pro-people.

    February 23, 2011

    The Need for a Strategic Response to Insurgency and Terrorism

    Countering ideological narratives, effective communication of developmental measures to the people, and adherence to the principle of judicious use of force should form integral elements of India's strategy to counter insurgent and terrorist groups.

    November 26, 2010

    Karachi is Burning, Pakistan is Tottering

    The continuing spiral of violence in Karachi signals the slow but gradual melting of a nuclear-armed State controlled by a military allied with global terrorist networks.

    November 15, 2010

    Indonesia’s Protracted War on Terrorism: The Importance of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir’s Arrest

    Indonesia, which has been taking significant measures to curb terrorism, scored another success with the arrest of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir aka ABB, suspected of having funded and ideologically motivated Al Qaeda Aceh, in early August 2010. The arrest is just one of the steps in a long, consistent and protracted fight to maintain Indonesia’s secular, democratic and republican credentials.

    September 09, 2010

    India and the Challenge of Terrorism in the Hinterland

    Terrorism in the Indian hinterland is the result of a complex set of inter-related factors. The development of a jihad culture in Pakistan during the course of the Afghan conflict in the 1980s led to the subsequent Pakistani decision to employ jihad against India as a strategy. The mobilisation of the Hindu Right in India and ensuing communal violence led to the radicalisation of Muslim youth and the resort to terrorism by both Indian Islamists and Muslim criminal networks with help from Pakistan.

    September 2010

    Internal Security: The Indian Way

    There is a view that India's approach to national security is largely ad hoc and marked by incompetence. Indians as well as foreign commentators on the country's security policies seem to share this perception. However, India does have a security approach that has a discernible pattern and arguably has been a success. This comment focuses on how India has dealt with internal security since independence.

    September 2010

    Abhishek Madhukar Chaudhari asked: What is the deterrence against 'Terrorism'?

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv replies: A wide range of drivers influence individuals/groups to employ violent methods against state authority – socio-economic, ethnic, ideological, religious, among others, As such, there cannot be a single magic bullet to deter terrorist actions. Nimble and vigilant security structures are essential as are measures to address the causes of their real or perceived grievances.

