Defence Budget

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  • Planning for Sound Defence Budgets

    Greater attention is needed in the areas of formulating a national security strategy in a systematic manner; effecting greater synergy between defence and national plans; capabilities-based planning and greater integration among the Services.

    April 2009

    India’s Defence Budget (2010-2011): Wake up call for Defence Managers

    Given that allocations for revenue expenditure are likely to become lesser in coming years, defence managers need to initiate immediate measures to control the rising revenue expenditure.

    March 03, 2010

    Budgeting for India’s Defence: An Analysis of Defence Budget 2010-11 and the Likely Impact of the 13th Finance Commission on Future Defence Spending

    If the Finance Ministry’s emphasis on fiscal prudence and inclusive growth has resulted in a smaller increase in the latest defence budget, the Report of the Thirteenth Finance Commission does not paint a very optimistic scenario for India’s future defence spending.

    March 03, 2010

    Need for a Resource Generation and Management Cell in Defence

    The orientation of the existing administrative set up in Service Headquarters and in departments under the Ministry of Defence is to plan for the utilization of defence budget allocation. They are not in a position to pay attention to the aspect of defence receipts.

    November 05, 2009

    Defence Budgeting: Trends and Issues

    The defence budget for the financial year 2009-2010, even though in terms of percentage increase appears large, yet it is not actually so. There has generally been a mismatch between the funds asked by the MOD and those allotted by the MOF. The absence of indication of likely availability of funds impacts adversely the defence planning process. Of late, there has been improvement in the ratio of revenue to capital expenditure, but for a healthy ratio there is a need to increase the defence budget as a percentage of the GDP.

    October 2009

    Economic Downturn: Options for MoD

    The present global economic crisis has slowed down the growth of the Indian economy, affecting among others, the fiscal situation and the revenue mobilisation potential of the central government. Defence being one of the largest recipients of central government expenditure, the present crisis casts a doubt on the adequacy of future resources. This commentary discusses some major options that India’s Ministry of Defence needs to consider in order to withstand the likely resource constraints in the coming years.

    May 26, 2009

    Rationale for Performance Oriented Defence Budgeting

    Fellows' Seminar
    March 20, 2009
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    India’s Defence Budget 2009-10: An Assessment

    In its interim budget for 2009-10 the Union Government has allocated Rs. 1,41,703 crores for the country’ Defence Services that include three Armed Forces (i.e., the Army, the Navy and the Air Force), and other Departments, primarily Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Defence Ordnance Factories. This is apart from Rs. 24,960 crores which have been earmarked to defray civil expenditures of Ministry of Defence (MoD) and its affiliated organisations, including, the Coast Guard, and for defence pension (Rs. 21,790 crores).

    February 18, 2009

    Budget Utilisation and Accountability

    Every year as India approaches the Budget session of Parliament, there are debates in various forums about the adequacy of Budget allocation to meet the modernization plan of the Services considering the threat perceptions/scenario. Due to the economic slowdown world-wide which is likely to affect the revenue collection of the national exchequer this year, the Government may face difficulty in meeting the increased demand from the Defence Forces. Further, we should not forget that electoral compulsions are also likely to play an important role in the coming budget.

    January 21, 2009

    Budgeting for Desired Defence Capability

    The Defence procurement policy and procedure as brought out in DPP- 2006 (Defence Procurement Policy, 2006) indicated that for policy decisions relating to acquiring of weapons and systems, we are basing them on capability planning in the context of operational requirements. It talked in terms of existing 'capability gaps', and examination of alternative means of overcoming them, while processing a case for policy decision.

    Winter 2008

