India-Africa Relations

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  • 3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    Touted as the most spectacular diplomatic exercise hosted by India since the 1983 Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit, this meeting provides opportunity for India to rejuvenate relations with the continent.

    October 29, 2015

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Africa needs not only maritime administration frameworks and the local capacity to enforce regulations, but also a model for sustainable blue-economy development that does not result in the destruction of its natural maritime habitat. In this, it can use India’s assistance.

    October 28, 2015

    Bhupinder asked: What are the different community and human resource development programmes run by India in Africa?

    Ruchita Beri replies: Areas of human resource development and capacity building have been at the forefront of India’s partnership with Africa. During the first India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS), held in April 2008 in New Delhi, India increased the number of scholarships offered to the African students under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme from the existing 1000 to 1500 annually.

    India and Africa: Enhancing Mutual Engagement

    India and Africa: Enhancing Mutual Engagement
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book represents an effort to build on existing partnerships between African countries and India and to explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagement. It originated from the First India-Africa Strategic Dialogue hosted by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi in November 2011. It brings together Indian and African perspectives on global, regional and bilateral issues of strategic relevance to both sides.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-751-7,
    • Price: ₹. 795/-
    • E-copy available

    Rajat Dubey asked: Which are the main countries in Africa where India can venture for petroleum field acquisition in near future?

    Ruchita Beri replies: The major oil producers in Africa are Nigeria, Algeria, Libya, Angola, South Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt and Gabon. In recent years, new oil and gas deposits have been discovered in some other African countries as well, such as Ghana, Uganda, Mozambique and Tanzania. Indian companies, such as Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Videsh Limited (OVL), have acquired exploration and production assets in several African countries, particularly Egypt, South Sudan, Nigeria, Libya and Algeria. Similarly, the Indian Oil Corporation Limited and Bharat Petro Resources Limited (BPRL) too have also acquired equity assets in Mozambique and are in look out for other opportunities in the region. While Indian companies, as other independent oil majors, continue to invest in Africa, the recent instability and conflict in countries, such as Libya, Egypt and Sudan, have at the same time brought forth the risks and pitfalls in following such a course.

    India-Africa ties get a boost

    At the Second India-Africa Forum Summit held in Addis Ababa, India’s relations with African countries have got a boost with the various cooperation initiatives unveiled by the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

    June 09, 2011

    Prospects of India's Energy Quest in Africa: Insights from Sudan and Nigeria

    India has embarked on a policy to balance its need for accessing strategic energy resources from the African continent with Africa's aspirations for greater skills and sustainable development. Sudan has turned out to be the gateway for India's energy quest in Africa. India's age-old ties with Sudan have been crucial in accessing oil from the country. New Delhi's close relations helped to assuage the initial hiccups; however conflict between the Sudanese government and that of Southern Sudan have created some problems.

    November 2010

    Portuguese-speaking countries: a new niche for Indian foreign policy?

    If India wants to engage with the “Global South” in a more meaningful way, it should recognize its Anglophone bias and consider developing relations with Portuguese-speaking countries and thus open one more front in its foreign policy.

    August 26, 2010

    India’s strategic advantage over China in Africa

    Focusing on specific sectors, beyond the options much in vogue with offensive emulationists or passive singularists, will help India to clarify its priorities, optimize its policy-making process and infuse its Africa policy with greater strategic depth.

    June 30, 2010

