Counter Terrorism

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  • Delhi Declaration: Assessing Outcomes of UNSC CTC’s Special Meeting

    The principles encompassing the Delhi Declaration reiterate that India’s core security concerns broadly resonate with the members of the UNSC.

    November 16, 2022

    Threat of Radicalisation in Syria’s ISIS Prisons

    Concerns of radicalisation in SDF-run facilities in Syria remain high, given that reports flag corruption, crime, and deplorable security conditions at these camps.

    October 18, 2022

    Narco-Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir

    Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has witnessed a 2000 per cent surge in heroin-related drug seizures between 2017 and 2022, with significant national security and societal consequences.

    September 12, 2022

    US Drone Strike on Al-Zawahiri: Significance and Implications

    The strike against Zawahiri is being hailed as a vindication of the US’s ‘over-the-horizon’ strategy in eradicating terrorism without placing boots on the ground.

    August 16, 2022

    Far-Right Extremism in the West

    Far-right extremism, rooted in the anti-Semitic, White supremacist Nazi and Fascist ideologies of the 20th century, has gained popularity across first world countries.

    July 06, 2022

    Jihadists, White Supremacists Vex Russia–Ukraine War

    With the war in Ukraine moving towards an uncertain resolution, there is a danger that the influx of heavy weaponry and foreign fighters could bring in a new set of imponderables into an already vicious and escalating conflict.

    March 28, 2022

    Challenge of Recidivism to Counter-Radicalisation Programmes

    The false compliance present within the radicalised individuals and convicted terrorist offenders pose a considerable threat to the society, following their release from de-radicalisation-based institutions.

    January 28, 2022

    The ETIM Question: Taliban’s Moment of Truth

    The coming of Taliban to power in Afghanistan could upset the geopolitical applecart in Central Asia and adjoining regions. The growing association of radical Uyghur groups like the ETIM, with IS-K and the spread of jihadist operations in Central Asia could have significant implications for regional and international powers, particularly for China and its ambitious plans for Silk Road imperialism.

    November 29, 2021

    Saman Ayesha Kidwai

    Research Analyst

    Malhama Tactical: Now Jihadists for Hire

    A conglomerate of elite jihadists called Malhama Tactical, a commercial enterprise driven by a for-profit agenda and not constrained by a specific ideology and defined enemies, has emerged as a serious threat as it can potentially connect and facilitate terrorist organisations worldwide.

    October 14, 2021

