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  • Myanmar: The November 2010 Election

    Myanmar’s elections on November 7 may not promise to be a game-changer. But the path it lays down could be utilized to effect desirable change devoid of unnecessary turbulence.

    November 08, 2010

    Myanmar Elections: Domestic Apathy and International Concerns

    The outcome of the elections in Myanmar is awaited anxiously by the international community but not much change is expected.

    November 04, 2010

    Elections in Myanmar

    On one hand the military Junta is wary of the international backlash in case it tampers with the election process, and on the other it knows what its fate would be if ‘truly fair and democratic elections’ are held.

    August 19, 2010

    Judging Myanmar’s Nuclear Ambitions and Likely Implications

    There is no denying that Myanmar has an ongoing nuclear research programme but whether it has the intention of developing nuclear weapons remains unclear.

    July 22, 2010

    A China-North Korea-Myanmar “Axis” in the making?

    Tacit Chinese endorsement of the policies pursued by North Korea and Myanmar has emboldened them to persist with policies that are detrimental for peace and stability in the region.

    June 17, 2010


    Since its independence in 1948, Myanmar has consistently taken stance against all kinds of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). It has been a signatory to various international protocols and conventions against biological as well as chemical weapons, including the 1925 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare; the 1972 Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxic Weapons Convention; and Chemical Weapons Convention or CWC (1993).

    April-June 2010

    Dynamics of Indo-Myanmar Economic Ties

    Clearly, there is immense scope for cooperation between India and Myanmar to deal in agro-based products, floriculture, engineering, timber and tobacco and expand business cooperation. Although there has been a significant increase in bilateral trade in recent years, full potential has yet to be realised.

    January 06, 2010

    Enlisting Myanmar’s help in tackling North East Guerrillas

    Vice President Hamid Ansari’s four-day visit to Myanmar from February 5 to 8, 2009 was significant for business matters as India and Myanmar signed agreements with regard to Tata Motors setting up a truck manufacturing unit in Myanmar, cross-border transport, telecommunications, the establishment of English Language training Centre and Industrial Training Centre at Pakokku.

    February 18, 2009

    Oil Politics in the Bay of Bengal

    Hydrocarbon rich Bay of Bengal seems to be emerging as another centre of oil politics. This was recently manifested by a standoff between Myanmar and Bangladesh, when Dhaka sent three naval vessels to stop Myanmar from conducting exploration activities in their disputed Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs). The crisis has since been diffused, though it is far from over.

    November 27, 2008

