Russia-Ukraine Relations

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  • Anil Thomas asked: What lessons can be drawn from the Russia–Ukraine war to realign India's conventional capability?

    Vivek Chadha replies: The Russia–Ukraine war has lasted more than six months. However, from the perspective of drawing long-term lessons from the war, it may still be considered premature. The ongoing trajectory of the war has indicated inadequate clarity regarding Russia's terminal objectives or for that matter, even a strategic timeline that Russia may have assigned to its senior military leadership. Therefore, with inadequate clarity on some of these issues, drawing conventional lessons does become a challenge.

    Turkmenistan’s Neutrality-Based Foreign Policy: Issues and Challenges

    The fluid geopolitical situation arising out of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine has added to the challenges of Turkmenistan’s leadership in implementing their stated neutrality-based foreign policy doctrine.

    July 20, 2022

    Iran’s Central Asia Policy Gains Momentum amid Russia–Ukraine War

    Iran has seen a sudden rise in its importance as a transit and transport hub connecting China and Central Asia to Europe, and also Russia with India.

    July 19, 2022

    Sanskriti asked: How will the Russia–Ukraine crisis affect the multipolarity of the world order and India's role in it?

    Ashok Kumar Behuria replies: The Russia–Ukraine crisis does not necessarily negate the concept of multipolarity as much as perceived bipolarity because of ongoing competition between the United States (US) and China for global influence, if not leadership. However, it has certainly shattered the hopes of multipolarity as an essential condition for peace and prosperity in the world.

    Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament Decision and Security Assurances

    Ukraine’s security predicament in the face of the Russian military onslaught brings into focus the vacuity of big power security assurances in the absence of legally binding security guarantees and treaty commitments.

    June 10, 2022

    Prime Minister Modi’s Europe Visit: An Analysis

    While the Russia–Ukraine crisis has given India the impetus to engage more proactively with European states, the need is to maintain and build on the momentum, in the pursuit of mutual benefit and prosperity.

    May 30, 2022

    Chinese News Media Narratives on the Ukraine Crisis

    The Chinese news media has peddled dual narrative of vilifying the West and glorifying China’s supposed mediatory role in the Russia–Ukraine crisis.

    May 17, 2022

    Russia–Ukraine Conflict and Geopolitics of Data Routing

    The Russia–Ukraine conflict, as well as Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, draw light on the geopolitics of data routing and the usage of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as a tool of control.

    April 29, 2022

    Central Asia and the Ukraine Crisis

    The Central Asian states have had to deal with significant economic and security challenges in the wake of the Russia–Ukraine conflict.

    April 27, 2022

