Russia-China Relations

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  • China-Russia Relations: Bonding but Can it Endure?

    This issue brief looks at the growing China-Russia relationship in the backdrop of a volatile North East Asia and the US ‘rebalancing’ to Asia –Pacific. While China-Russia relations have not always been cordial, this time it’s a win-win for both-at least for the present.

    April 18, 2013

    Russia-India-China Strategic Triangle: Signalling a Power Shift?

    In addition to their alternative vision on political issues, the RIC Foreign Ministers’ meet is gradually expanding trilateral cooperation in several sectors, including disaster relief, agriculture and public health.

    April 19, 2012

    A Gloomy Syrian Scenario

    Overthrowing Bashar is likely to result in an Islamist regime, which might turn out to be far worse for the country’s Kurdish, Christian, Druze and Armenian minorities.

    February 24, 2012

    Russia-China-India Trilateral: Calibrating a Fine Balance

    The importance of the RIC trilateral initiative lies in the fact that India, Russia and China, as countries with growing international influence, can make substantive contributions to global peace, security and stability.

    November 15, 2010

    Russia and Japan Clash over the Kuriles in the North Pacific

    The clash between Russia and Japan over the Southern Kurils in the North Pacific highlight Russia’s emerging role in the Asia Pacific Region and its relations with China and Japan.

    November 03, 2010

    Twin Purpose Military Exercises of the Chinese PLA in 2009

    The year 2009 has seen the Chinese PLA undertake several military exercises, drills and war games to enhance battle effectiveness as well as promote trust among neighbours.

    December 22, 2009

