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  • Is Japan ready to shun the Peace Constitution?

    While the DPJ is not averse to the idea of revising the constitution, an unfavourable domestic situation and adverse reactions from neighbours are likely to force the Hatoyama government to limit the exercise to a debate.

    May 19, 2010

    Hatoyama Battles to Wrest Control Power from the Bureaucrats

    With Hatoyama’s determination to wrest policymaking power from bureaucrats in full swing, Japan is likely to witness an intense battle between the political masters and the powerful bureaucrats for supremacy.

    March 02, 2010

    Hurdles Ahead for Japan as the APEC Chair

    With APEC accounting for half the world’s global economic output and 44 per cent of its trade value, Japan’s role in creating a region wide free-trade zone and developing a strategy for economic growth of the Asia Pacific is expected to be decisive for the world economy.

    February 25, 2010

    The Ozawa Phenomena in Japanese Politics

    Ozawa’s clout, power and influence remain formidable and he is likely to remain an active player in Japanese politics.

    February 10, 2010

    Japan: CBW

    Japan claims that it does not possess Weapon of Mass Destructions including the Chemical and Biological Weapons.

    October-December 2009

    Japan mulls granting right to franchise to permanent foreign residents

    To gain the trust of Seoul and Beijing, the DPJ government plans to present a bill in the Diet for granting the right of franchise to foreign nationals registered as permanent residents, a majority of whom are South Korean and Chinese.

    January 21, 2010

    Convergence of Strategic Interests between India and Japan

    The Joint Statement catapulted India-Japan strategic and global partnership to a “New Stage” in which the bilateral relationship is going to be deepened on all fronts, embracing regional, global and economic issues.

    January 07, 2010

    Japan Beefs up its Naval Capability

    To assuage fears, Japan might see merit to take India on board in the form of a naval cooperation framework to secure peace at sea. Developments in the past 4-5 years in India-Japan relations point towards that direction.

    January 05, 2010

    Assessing Hatoyama in Office

    After Yukio Hatoyama assumed the office of Prime Minister, Japan’s foreign policy has begun to look different with an element of assertiveness and a greater focus towards Asia.

    December 24, 2009

    Japan's Nuclear Future

    In the aftermath of North Korea's second nuclear test and the launch of three short-range missiles on May 25, 2009, followed by the launch of seven ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan on July 4, there has been widespread speculation on Japan's principled position on non-proliferation and disarmament and whether it will abandon its nuclear abstinence and acquire nuclear capability. This possibility has been echoed recently by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

    November 2009

