South Asia: Publications

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  • For Bangladesh Improving Domestic Situation is as important as Fighting the Taliban

    Bangladesh is making an important effort domestically to weaken the affiliates of al-Qaeda and Taliban ideology, which is no less important than making contributions to ISAF.

    October 12, 2010

    Afghanistan: A Firewall is Better than Partition

    India has been fairly successful in firewalling the radical blowback emanating from Pakistan in the past and need not be overly worried about the impending US withdrawal.

    October 07, 2010

    18th Amendment: Making a Mockery of Democracy in Sri Lanka

    The Sri Lankan government seems to be in a desperate hurry to bring about all the necessary revisions in the constitution to strengthen the Executive Presidency without any provision of checks and balances. Sri Lanka, under Rajapaksa, is headed towards nepotism and dictatorship as the 18th amendment suggests.

    October 07, 2010

    Bangladesh Beats Global Recession Through Exports

    The tremendous growth in Bangladesh’s exports has been due to three factors – the global recession, new markets and China’s spectacular economic growth.

    September 27, 2010

    Chumbi Valley: Economic Rationale but Strategic Resonance

    Shaping responses towards the issue of Chumbi Valley would perhaps require a penetrating understanding of the “reality” that defines China’s political trajectory in South Asia in coming years.

    September 23, 2010

    India-China Power Game in Nepal and the Consequences

    The win-win situation for India and China lies in respecting the ‘buffer-status of Nepal’ which will also ensure political stability in Nepal.

    September 16, 2010

    Chinese Activities in PoK: High Time for India to Put its Act Together

    A recent New York Times report that 11,000 soldiers of the Peoples’ Liberation Army have been stationed in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of the PoK, carries important implications for India. For India to put forth its legitimate claim to the whole of Kashmir, the time is now or else, never.

    September 09, 2010

    Political Culture in Bhutan: A Lost Narrative

    Creating levers of influence and pursuing a pro-active engagement with Bhutan’s decision-makers is the most effective way of shaping political will to engage the Bhutanese establishment over the issue of refugee repatriation.

    September 07, 2010

    Time to Redeem SAARC

    While the world community is trying its best to provide help to flood affected Pakistan in spite of aid fatigue, SAARC is conspicuous by its absence.

    August 20, 2010

    Pakistan Floods: Causes and Consequences

    Apart from alleviating the material plight of the people, transforming the feudal mindset and operationalising reforms to induce fair play and social justice should be one of the long term priority areas for the civilian government in Pakistan.

    August 19, 2010

