Dr. Abhishek Kumar Darbey studies China Military that covers significant activities of... read more
Networked information systems ensure comprehensive information acquisition, massive data transmission, real-time update of battlefield situations, efficient data analysis and deduction, extremely fast decision-making and integration and coordination between different services of military through advanced technology.
With the intention of building an efficient and effective networked information system, China established the PLA Information Support Force (信息支援部队) on 19 April 2024. At the foundation ceremony, President Xi Jinping stated that the Information Support Force (ISF)
“is a newly created strategic branch of the PLA and a key support for the coordinated construction and use of the network information system. It has an important position and heavy responsibility in promoting the high-quality development of our army and winning modern wars. We must effectively support operations, adhere to information dominance and joint victory, smooth information networks, integrate information resources, strengthen information protection, deeply integrate into joint combat system of the Chinese military, accurately and efficiently implement information support.”1
His statement reflects China’s urgency for the informationisation of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) given that grey zone tactics in modern warfare have become a decisive factor.
The PLA Strategic Support Force (战略支援部队), which was established in December 2015, was disbanded in April 2024. The PLA Units under the Strategic Support Force (SSF) were shifted to three newly created independent branches of the PLA, namely, Information Support Force, Military Aerospace Force (军事航天部队) and Cyberspace Force (网络空间部队).
All the units of the Information Support Force (ISF) will be directly under the Central Military Commission (CMC). The senior PLA officials serving in the SSF were transferred to the newly created ISF. PLA General Bi Yi (毕毅) was appointed Commander of the PLA ISF and PLA General Li Wei (李伟) was appointed Political Commissar of the PLA ISF. Both of them were serving in the PLA SSF with Bi Yi being Deputy Commander and Li Wei was Political Commissar.2 The PLA has not yet announced the senior PLA officers to lead the Military Aerospace Support Force and Cyberspace Force.3
Network Information System for Joint Combat Capability
Information has always been the key factor in making decisions at the time of war and it has become a decisive factor in winning wars. The military with a high-quality network information system will always have the advantages of faster access to information, storage of data, processing of data, and use of information or data to outplay the adversaries. After the Gulf War of 1990–91, the United States established a joint operations command, and Russia formed a joint operations command system at the national and theatre level.4
China began to work on developing the fundamental concepts of its information warfare forces after the Gulf War. After working through a number of doctrinal iterations, by the end of 1990s the PLA successfully developed its fundamental concepts for information warfare.5 The PLA ISF is also responsible for conducting China’s electronic warfare. While the ISF is an outcome of the PLA military reforms in April 2024, the initiative can be traced back in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) released in October 2022.
The report highlighted the need to coordinate the construction and application of network information systems. The report noted that in order to improve the joint combat capability and all-domain combat capability based on network information systems, China must attach great importance to the construction and application of network information systems. The report pointed out that China saw network information construction as an important increment to improve the combat effectiveness of troops. The report noted that electronic information field is the key in the modern warfare and whoever mastered the high technology in related fields such as electronic information will be able to gain the upper hand on the battlefield.6
Qiushi, CPC journal and news magazine published an article on 4 May 2024 that noted that the significance of the coordinated construction and application of the network information system was emphasised at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Network information technology has become the ‘biggest variable’ in improving the combat effectiveness of troops.7 The article notes that the establishment of the ISF will surely help improve the PLA’s joint combat capability and all-domain combat capability based on the network information system, and will help in achieving the PLA’s goal of becoming a world-class armed force.
The establishment of the Strategic Support Force (SSF) was the major initiative by the Central Military Commission (CMC) to build a military apparatus to develop China’s information warfare capabilities. The SSF included five major areas, namely, intelligence, technical reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures, network attack and defense, and psychological warfare. The SSF had two major departments, namely, Space System Department and Network System Department, which are responsible for space operations and information warfare.8
PLA Strategic Support Force and Information Warfare Capabilities
At the time of its creation, the SSF incorporated units from the General Armament Department (GAD), General Staff Department (GSD) and General Political Department (GPD). For instance, the 2nd Department of the General Staff Department (GSD) responsible for ‘space operations capabilities development’ and ‘strategic intelligence supply’, 3rd & 4th Departments of the General Staff Department (GSD) and 311 Base of the General Political Department (GPD), responsible for psychological warfare and ‘network-electronic capabilities integration’, and ‘cognitive warfare capabilities promotion’, were placed under the SSF in 2015.
The objective behind the creation of the SSF was to enhance PLA joint operations capabilities and attain ‘winning informationized war’ objectives.9 The SSF subordinate bases were aligned with the five theatre commands of the PLA. Previously, psychological warfare units were under the SSF and the opinion warfare and legal warfare were under the CMC. After the April 2024 reforms, all units responsible for the ‘Psychological Warfare’, ‘Opinion Warfare’ and ‘Legal Warfare’ are placed under the CMC.10
The subdivision of the military services in the PLA is benchmarked with the corresponding military reforms in the United States, such as the Military Aerospace Force benchmarking the US Space Command, and the Cyberspace Force benchmarking the US Cyber Command. However, compared with the United States, China has reformed them into independent branches of its military rather than into new services/arms as in the case of the US.
Exigency of Information Support Force
One of the reasons behind the establishment of the ISF is China’s goal to establish a complete joint combat system, which required a new military structure and layout.11 The PLA units based on information warfare are a key factor for the integration of China’s joint combat system. China is also promoting the deep integration of the joint combat system. It was confirmed by Xi Jinping in his speech in April 2024 at the founding ceremony of the PLA ISF when he stated that the PLA ISF will have great responsibilities in promoting the high-quality development of the PLA and in winning modern wars.12
Analysts note that the reorganisation was unlikely to be related to an anti-corruption purge and is more likely the result of the Chinese military’s ongoing review of how to better achieve its strategic goals by improving command and control.13 The PLA’s latest structural reform reflects that the PLA Strategic Support Force (SSF) was not effective in coordinating the units under SSF Space Department and SSF Network Information Department. From an operational perspective, as the new branches are directly under the jurisdiction of the CMC, it could improve the functioning of the joint combat system.
Second, with the establishment of the SSF in December 2015, a large number of units dealing with information and intelligence apparatus were shifted to the armed forces (PLA) from the national defense organisation (CMC). This had created a confusion in management and command.14 The CMC did not have direct authority over the crucial units for decision-making such as Network System Department and Cyberspace Department of the SSF. The SSF HQs was the intermediary between the CMC and these Units. The reorganisation of the PLA Units may be a decision therefore to overcome bureaucratic inefficiency.
Third, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense (MND) stated that the establishment of the ISF will have a far-reaching significance in accelerating the modernisation of the national defence and armed forces.15
The Information Support Force is focused more on improving the informationised combat capabilities of the PLA. The PLA military reforms of April 2024 bring about major change in the structural layout of the Chinese military, to improve bureaucratic efficiency. It is expected to support the coordinated use of China’s Network Information System, and also help in achieving military modernisation of the PLA. Secondly, it will bring all key military units/subjects crucial for decision-making such as cyber, information, network, communication, electronic, under the CMC. These reforms are expected to help in the further modernisation of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the Government of India.
1.“中国人民解放军信息支援部队成立大会在京举行习近平向信息支援部队授予军旗并致训词 (The founding ceremony of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Information Support Force was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping awarded the military flag to the Information Support Force and delivered a speech)”, Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Beijing, 19 April 2024.
2. Lin Huizhi, “林煇智), “中国解放军成立信息支援部队分析:聚焦提升信息化作战能力 (Analysis of the establishment of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Information Support Force: Focus on improving informationized combat capabilities)”, April 20, 2024.
3. Sun Cheng, “(孙承), “从战略支援部队到信息支援部队习近平的决定令人费解 (From Strategic Support Force to Information Support Force, Xi Jinping’s decision is puzzling)”, Voice of America, 4 May 2024.
4.“国防部举行信息支援部队成立专题新闻发布会 (The Ministry of National Defense holds a special press conference on the establishment of the Information Support Force)”, Xinhua Daily Telegraph, 20 April 2024.
5. John Costello and Joe McReynolds, “China’s Strategic Support Force: A Force for a New Era”, China Strategic Perspectives, No. 13, Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs, Institute for National Strategic Studies, U.S., October 2018.
6.“【紫荆专稿】揭秘中国全新战略性兵种解放军信息支援部队直属中央军委 (Revealing the Secrets of China’s New Strategic Arms: The PLA Information Support Force is Directly Under the Central Military Commission)”, Bauhinia Magazine, 29 April 2024.
7.“解放军报评论员:努力建设一支强大的现代化信息支援部队 (PLA Daily commentator: Strive to build a strong modern information support force)”, PLA Daily, Beijing, 4 May 2024.
8.“Chinese People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (中国人民解放军战略支援部队)”, Baidu, China, December 2015.
9. Wen-chung Chai, “(翟文中), “中國戰略支援部隊的組織與任務(A Study of Organizational Structure and Missions for PLA Strategic Support Force)”, Assistant Research Fellow, Division of Defense Strategy and Resources, Institute for National Defense and Security Research, Taiwan, October 2023.
10. Chen Jinping, “(陳津萍),”習近平軍改前後「三戰」組織架構轉變研析 (Analysis of the changes in the organizational structure of the ‘three wars’ before and after Xi Jinping’s military reform)”, Army Academic Bimonthly, Vol. 54 No. 559, Taiwan, June 2018.
11. “信息支援部队是全新打造的战略性兵种 (Information Support Force:a Brand-New Strategic Arm of the PLA)”, Ministry of National Defense, PRC, 19 April 2024.
12. Ren Yilin(任一林)、and Liang Qiuping (梁秋坪), “中国人民解放军信息支援部队成立大会在京举行 (The founding ceremony of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Information Support Force was held in Beijing)”, People’s Daily, Beijing, 20 April 2024.
13. Song Ren (松仁), “习近平组建信息支援部队调整军种格局的战略算计与意图 (Xi Jinping’s strategic calculation and intention to set up information support forces to adjust the military structure)”, Voice of America,28 April 2024.
14. Zheng Haoyu, “(郑浩宇),”分析:中共新建信息支援部队有何图谋 (Analysis: What is the CCP’s intention in establishing a new information support force?)”, The Epoch Times, 28 April 2024.
Networked information systems ensure comprehensive information acquisition, massive data transmission, real-time update of battlefield situations, efficient data analysis and deduction, extremely fast decision-making and integration and coordination between different services of military through advanced technology.
With the intention of building an efficient and effective networked information system, China established the PLA Information Support Force (信息支援部队) on 19 April 2024. At the foundation ceremony, President Xi Jinping stated that the Information Support Force (ISF)
His statement reflects China’s urgency for the informationisation of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) given that grey zone tactics in modern warfare have become a decisive factor.
The PLA Strategic Support Force (战略支援部队), which was established in December 2015, was disbanded in April 2024. The PLA Units under the Strategic Support Force (SSF) were shifted to three newly created independent branches of the PLA, namely, Information Support Force, Military Aerospace Force (军事航天部队) and Cyberspace Force (网络空间部队).
All the units of the Information Support Force (ISF) will be directly under the Central Military Commission (CMC). The senior PLA officials serving in the SSF were transferred to the newly created ISF. PLA General Bi Yi (毕毅) was appointed Commander of the PLA ISF and PLA General Li Wei (李伟) was appointed Political Commissar of the PLA ISF. Both of them were serving in the PLA SSF with Bi Yi being Deputy Commander and Li Wei was Political Commissar.2 The PLA has not yet announced the senior PLA officers to lead the Military Aerospace Support Force and Cyberspace Force.3
Network Information System for Joint Combat Capability
Information has always been the key factor in making decisions at the time of war and it has become a decisive factor in winning wars. The military with a high-quality network information system will always have the advantages of faster access to information, storage of data, processing of data, and use of information or data to outplay the adversaries. After the Gulf War of 1990–91, the United States established a joint operations command, and Russia formed a joint operations command system at the national and theatre level.4
China began to work on developing the fundamental concepts of its information warfare forces after the Gulf War. After working through a number of doctrinal iterations, by the end of 1990s the PLA successfully developed its fundamental concepts for information warfare.5 The PLA ISF is also responsible for conducting China’s electronic warfare. While the ISF is an outcome of the PLA military reforms in April 2024, the initiative can be traced back in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) released in October 2022.
The report highlighted the need to coordinate the construction and application of network information systems. The report noted that in order to improve the joint combat capability and all-domain combat capability based on network information systems, China must attach great importance to the construction and application of network information systems. The report pointed out that China saw network information construction as an important increment to improve the combat effectiveness of troops. The report noted that electronic information field is the key in the modern warfare and whoever mastered the high technology in related fields such as electronic information will be able to gain the upper hand on the battlefield.6
Qiushi, CPC journal and news magazine published an article on 4 May 2024 that noted that the significance of the coordinated construction and application of the network information system was emphasised at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Network information technology has become the ‘biggest variable’ in improving the combat effectiveness of troops.7 The article notes that the establishment of the ISF will surely help improve the PLA’s joint combat capability and all-domain combat capability based on the network information system, and will help in achieving the PLA’s goal of becoming a world-class armed force.
The establishment of the Strategic Support Force (SSF) was the major initiative by the Central Military Commission (CMC) to build a military apparatus to develop China’s information warfare capabilities. The SSF included five major areas, namely, intelligence, technical reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures, network attack and defense, and psychological warfare. The SSF had two major departments, namely, Space System Department and Network System Department, which are responsible for space operations and information warfare.8
At the time of its creation, the SSF incorporated units from the General Armament Department (GAD), General Staff Department (GSD) and General Political Department (GPD). For instance, the 2nd Department of the General Staff Department (GSD) responsible for ‘space operations capabilities development’ and ‘strategic intelligence supply’, 3rd & 4th Departments of the General Staff Department (GSD) and 311 Base of the General Political Department (GPD), responsible for psychological warfare and ‘network-electronic capabilities integration’, and ‘cognitive warfare capabilities promotion’, were placed under the SSF in 2015.
The objective behind the creation of the SSF was to enhance PLA joint operations capabilities and attain ‘winning informationized war’ objectives.9 The SSF subordinate bases were aligned with the five theatre commands of the PLA. Previously, psychological warfare units were under the SSF and the opinion warfare and legal warfare were under the CMC. After the April 2024 reforms, all units responsible for the ‘Psychological Warfare’, ‘Opinion Warfare’ and ‘Legal Warfare’ are placed under the CMC.10
The subdivision of the military services in the PLA is benchmarked with the corresponding military reforms in the United States, such as the Military Aerospace Force benchmarking the US Space Command, and the Cyberspace Force benchmarking the US Cyber Command. However, compared with the United States, China has reformed them into independent branches of its military rather than into new services/arms as in the case of the US.
Exigency of Information Support Force
One of the reasons behind the establishment of the ISF is China’s goal to establish a complete joint combat system, which required a new military structure and layout.11 The PLA units based on information warfare are a key factor for the integration of China’s joint combat system. China is also promoting the deep integration of the joint combat system. It was confirmed by Xi Jinping in his speech in April 2024 at the founding ceremony of the PLA ISF when he stated that the PLA ISF will have great responsibilities in promoting the high-quality development of the PLA and in winning modern wars.12
Analysts note that the reorganisation was unlikely to be related to an anti-corruption purge and is more likely the result of the Chinese military’s ongoing review of how to better achieve its strategic goals by improving command and control.13 The PLA’s latest structural reform reflects that the PLA Strategic Support Force (SSF) was not effective in coordinating the units under SSF Space Department and SSF Network Information Department. From an operational perspective, as the new branches are directly under the jurisdiction of the CMC, it could improve the functioning of the joint combat system.
Second, with the establishment of the SSF in December 2015, a large number of units dealing with information and intelligence apparatus were shifted to the armed forces (PLA) from the national defense organisation (CMC). This had created a confusion in management and command.14 The CMC did not have direct authority over the crucial units for decision-making such as Network System Department and Cyberspace Department of the SSF. The SSF HQs was the intermediary between the CMC and these Units. The reorganisation of the PLA Units may be a decision therefore to overcome bureaucratic inefficiency.
Third, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense (MND) stated that the establishment of the ISF will have a far-reaching significance in accelerating the modernisation of the national defence and armed forces.15
The Information Support Force is focused more on improving the informationised combat capabilities of the PLA. The PLA military reforms of April 2024 bring about major change in the structural layout of the Chinese military, to improve bureaucratic efficiency. It is expected to support the coordinated use of China’s Network Information System, and also help in achieving military modernisation of the PLA. Secondly, it will bring all key military units/subjects crucial for decision-making such as cyber, information, network, communication, electronic, under the CMC. These reforms are expected to help in the further modernisation of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the Government of India.