
Project Tiger: Reintegration of the Surrendered LTTE Cadres

If adequate attention is not given to reintegrating former LTTE militants, there are chances that they may resort to criminal or militant activities for their livelihood.

July 21, 2011

Benefits of the Pegging Arrangement Between Nepali and Indian Currencies

In the existing situation, any effort to do away with the pegging arrangement would further invite capital flight from Nepal and thus affect business, trade and other economic activities.

July 21, 2011

The Other South Asia

Though Pakistan and Afghanistan still continue to be embroiled in religious and ethnic conflict, the rest of South Asia appears keen to check and go beyond such tendencies.

June 20, 2011

The 2011 Mumbai Serial Blasts and India’s ‘Resilience’

With India’s security apparatus once again standing exposed and the security overhaul envisaged after 26/11 being still a work in progress, it is time for some harsh introspection.

July 19, 2011

GSAT-12: Boosting Transponder Demand

The larger issue which the GSAT-12 launch brings to the fore is that of the mounting demand for satellite transponders and India’s capabilities in this regard.

July 19, 2011

Global Zero and Nuclear Disarmament Activism

Though Global Zero’s ‘umbrella activism’ involving current and past policy practitioners and the general public alike can be expected to gain further momentum in the near future, its continued vitality may however be captive to the pressures of the timeline within which its vision is intended to be achieved.

July 19, 2011

Averting the 'Lehman Momentum' in Nepal

The health of Nepal’s banking and financial institutions has deteriorated drastically, causing panic among a section of depositors and government institutions.

July 18, 2011

Detecting Surgically Implanted Bombs

Aviation has been a favourite target for terrorist groups over the last three decades.

July 18, 2011

SIMI Regrouping: A Reality Check

The recent activities of SIMI as well as its suspected links with groups like the Popular Front of India and the Karnataka Forum for Dignity and even the Indian Mujahideen suggest that it is regrouping to undertake terrorist attacks in different parts of India.

July 15, 2011

The Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

Although on the ground the areas of conflict are specific and do not cover the entire landmass as a map would indicate, the incoherence of the state’s response makes it appear that India is at war with itself.

July 15, 2011

