Military Affairs: Publications

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  • Lone Wolf Attacks: An Assessment in the Indian Context

    Lone Wolf Attacks: An Assessment in the Indian Context

    If the IS has been able to successfully recruit Indians for the war in Syria and provide technical support for their travel, it is a matter of time before they find recruits willing to employ violence in India itself.

    December 10, 2015

    Enabling Transition of a Soldier to Second Career through Skilling

    Enabling Transition of a Soldier to Second Career through Skilling

    The wellbeing of veterans and their transition to a second career by ensuring implementable policy initiatives is a national obligation. This not only has a welfare agenda but also an economic sense to it​.

    November 02, 2015

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Africa needs not only maritime administration frameworks and the local capacity to enforce regulations, but also a model for sustainable blue-economy development that does not result in the destruction of its natural maritime habitat. In this, it can use India’s assistance.

    October 28, 2015

    Malabar-2015 and Power Dynamics in the Asian Commons

    Malabar-2015 and Power Dynamics in the Asian Commons

    As India reorients its maritime posture to cater to the new realities of Asia, there is a realisation that regional maritime stability is increasingly susceptible to growing power imbalances.

    October 23, 2015

    Publishing Official Military Histories

    Publishing Official Military Histories

    We recommend that the histories of the 1965 and 1971 wars be revised, updated and reprinted as proper official versions with the correct title and logo.

    October 16, 2015

    INS Kochi and the ‘Big-Warship’ Debate

    Nothing conveys strategic intent as effectively as the large conventional warship whose mere presence can provide a decisive psychological advantage in strategic scenarios.

    October 09, 2015

    The Indian Navy's Arabian Gulf Diplomacy

    The Indian Navy's Arabian Gulf Diplomacy

    By engaging GCC navies through joint exercises, port calls, and training programmes, the Navy has successfully created a durable template of maritime relations in the Western Indian Ocean.

    September 24, 2015

    China-Russia Naval Ties and the Balance of Maritime Power in Asia

    China-Russia Naval Ties and the Balance of Maritime Power in Asia

    A growing Sino-Russian-Pakistani maritime nexus in the IOR poses a challenge to India’s influence in the Indian Ocean and heralds a potential change in the Asian balance of maritime power.

    August 27, 2015

    Politics and the Military

    Politics and the Military

    A dissatisfied military is not in the interest of India which has to contend with multiple internal and external security issues. The nation at large and the political leadership must be alive to the prevailing sentiments and act appropriately.

    August 24, 2015

    Decoding China’s Military Strategy White Paper: Assessing the Maritime Implications

    Decoding China’s Military Strategy White Paper: Assessing the Maritime Implications

    China’s new military strategy as it applies to the Indian Ocean is not a matter of a minor shift in the balance of maritime power, but one that impacts India’s capacity and will to impose a deterrent cost.

    June 02, 2015

