Research Associate under the Pakistan News Digest Project, IDSA, Dr. Zainab Akhter’s article on the United Nations (UN) designated terrorist, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief, and the mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks Hafiz Saeed, titled ‘Is The Indictment Of Hafiz Saeed A Farce Or Real?’, has been published by All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on December 13, 2019.
Although the US has welcomed the move to indict Saeed, India needs to watch carefully and see whether the Imran Khan government is any different from the previous Pakistani governments. Hafiz Saeed has been arrested before and sent to jail but finally ended up being released by the Pakistani authorities many times, writes Dr. Akhter.
Is the indictment of Hafiz Saeed a farce or real?
Research Associate under the Pakistan News Digest Project, IDSA, Dr. Zainab Akhter’s article on the United Nations (UN) designated terrorist, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief, and the mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks Hafiz Saeed, titled ‘Is The Indictment Of Hafiz Saeed A Farce Or Real?’, has been published by All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on December 13, 2019.
Although the US has welcomed the move to indict Saeed, India needs to watch carefully and see whether the Imran Khan government is any different from the previous Pakistani governments. Hafiz Saeed has been arrested before and sent to jail but finally ended up being released by the Pakistani authorities many times, writes Dr. Akhter.
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