Europe and Eurasia: Publications

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  • Afghanistan’s Qosh Tepa Canal: Potential Impact on Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

    The Qosh Tepa canal development in Afghanistan highlights the need for collaborative management to address potential transboundary water disputes.

    September 11, 2024

    AUKUS Agreement for Cooperation in Naval Nuclear Propulsion: Key Takeaways

    The US, UK and Australia agreement for cooperation in Naval Nuclear Propulsion (NNP) presents a viable legal framework under which NNP technology can be transferred to Australia.

    September 06, 2024

    Decoding NATO’s 75th Summit

    The July 2024 Washington Summit has reinforced NATO’s relevance for its 32 members across the Euro-Atlantic space.

    July 30, 2024

    Decoding the New Delhi–Yerevan Relationship

    India and Armenia are critical regional partners, and their collaboration and cooperation may soon transform into a strategic partnership.

    July 30, 2024

    Putin’s Visits to North Korea and Vietnam Amidst the Ukraine War

    President Vladimir Putin’s visits to North Korea and Vietnam reinforce Moscow’s relationships with these two countries at a time of regional and global flux.

    July 23, 2024

    Putin’s Visit to North Korea: An Assessment

    New strategic equations are developing in the Russia–North Korea relationship.

    July 11, 2024

    Navigating the India–Russia Strategic Partnership

    Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Moscow is expected to add new direction and momentum to the India–Russia bilateral partnership.

    July 08, 2024

    Orban’s New Pan-European Far Right Alliance: An Assessment

    Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s announcement of the formation of a new far right alliance at the European Parliament with two more European partners points to an effort to carve out a larger role coinciding with Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the EU.

    July 05, 2024

    Europe Responds to Agrarian Crisis

    EU countries have imposed restrictive measures on agricultural trade given domestic and regional triggers such as the farmers’ protests and the Russia–Ukraine war.

    June 26, 2024

    The Islamic State and Russia

    The Islamic State sees Russia as a major obstacle in its attempts at globalising jihad.

    May 29, 2024

