Southeast Asia and Oceania: Publications

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  • Australia’s Tryst with Coalition Politics

    A ‘Labor government with Independent-Green characteristics’ will have an impact on the government’s style of functioning and might lead to changes in the very core of Australia’s domestic and foreign policy orientations.

    August 25, 2010

    Elections in Myanmar

    On one hand the military Junta is wary of the international backlash in case it tampers with the election process, and on the other it knows what its fate would be if ‘truly fair and democratic elections’ are held.

    August 19, 2010

    Julia Gillard’s Political Moves

    To distance herself from the adverse fallout of the unpopular policy decisions taken by Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard has decided to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate.

    July 29, 2010

    The Unconventional Prime Minister: An Assessment of Kevin Rudd

    While there is no denying the fact that Rudd’s ideas on foreign policy were well-intentioned, one cannot possibly overlook the fact that it all fell apart in the course of practice.

    July 02, 2010

    Locating Singapore in India’s Strategic Radar

    India needs to engage Singapore more robustly so as to enable the forging of deeper and more broad-based friendships in the Southeast Asian region through Singapore’s good offices.

    April 01, 2010

    Improving Prospects of India-Australia Nuclear Co-operation

    Australia is not finding it economically prudent and diplomatically rational to deny uranium to India, while other countries profit from nuclear commerce with India.

    December 24, 2009

    Obama’s Faulty Trade-Off in East Asia

    By giving away Asia to China on a platter, the Obama Administration’s posture undermines its traditional allies (Japan, South Korea, and Australia) as well as its new partners like India.

    December 09, 2009

    India-Australia Relations: Off Again, On Again?

    India-Australia relations have become an intricate set of positives and negatives, with the former outweighing the latter. Kevin Rudd made an honest attempt to redress Indian grievances but he has to walk the talk to improve bilateral ties.

    November 16, 2009

    India, Australia and ‘Curry Bashing’

    In early August, India’s Minister for External Affairs S. M. Krishna visited Australia as part of his trip to attend the Pacific Island Forum meeting, held in Cairns. India is a dialogue partner to the Pacific Island Forum, comprising the countries of the South-west Pacific region, including Australia and New Zealand. Most of Mr. Krishna’s time during this trip went in visiting Melbourne and Sydney, where a number of Indian students had been attacked in recent months.

    August 17, 2009

    Referendum for Myanmar’s Constitution in the wake of Cyclone Nargis

    Howsoever much others may want to distance India from mlitary-ruled Myanmar, the widespread devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis has brought India into the spotlight. That it occurred barely a week prior to Myanmar’s proposed constitutional Referendum on May 10 brought this out in bold relief.

    May 12, 2008

