Smruti S. Pattanaik Publications

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    • Research Fellow, MP-IDSA, Dr. Smruti Pattanaik’s Issue Brief on effect of Covid-19 on Bangladesh, titled ‘The Pandemic Effect: Can Bangladesh Overcome Covid-19 Impact on its External Sector?’ has been published by Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict (SSPC) on April 27, 2020.

      April 27, 2020
      IDSA News
    • The Hasina Government is in overdrive to meet the Covid-19 challenge head on, and ensure that this unforeseen threat does not snowball into a major national crisis.

      April 09, 2020
      IDSA Comments
    • Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, Dr. Smruti Pattanaik’s article on COVID-19, titled ‘A Regional Response To COVID-19 Challenge’ has been published by the All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on March 17, 2020.

      The article describes Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal to hold a video conference of SAARC leaders to jointly devise methods to combat COVID 19, declared as a pandemic by WHO, as unique, which engaged the immediate attention of the South Asian region.

      March 17, 2020
      IDSA News
    • In the recent past, several Islamist movements promising to re-establish the pristine political system dating back to the days of the Prophet have captured the mind of believers. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is one such movement that grew out of the resentment against the established religious parties’ failure to implement sharia, coupled with Pakistan’s decision to join the war on terror which fuelled religious anxiety that this war was aimed against Islam.

      Journal of Defence Studies
    • Sri Lanka has always featured in any discussion on Indian Ocean geopolitics. However, its geopolitical significance has increased manifold after the end of the long-drawn war that saw the defeat of the LTTE. The manner in which the war concluded brought international focus on the country, as some of the Tamil leaders sought international indulgence to ensure justice is delivered, and peace brought through war results in a meaningful political solution for the Tamils.

      Strategic Analysis
    • Regional strategic dynamics in South Asia is in a state of flux since the announcement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China emphasises on the economic aspect of investment in infrastructures and energy projects, but strategic underpinning are very much apparent. China loan has created indebtedness in these countries and has helped Beijing to gain strategic foothold in the region which India considers as core to its security. India’s aid programme though focuses on the neighbourhood, it remains small compared to China and suffers from delivery deficit.

      Strategic Analysis
    • The Easter bomb blasts is a grim reminder of how the undercurrent of ethno-religious violence remains a dominant factor in Sri Lanka’s chequered history.

      April 29, 2019
      IDSA Comments
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Smruti Pattanaik’s article on India’s airstrikes in Pakistan, titled ‘Raising the Costs for Pakistan’ was published by The Economic Times on February 26, 2019.

      It was time that India raised the diplomatic and military costs for Pakistan, while taking necessary action to secure itself. Tuesday’s air strike in Balakot reflects this new direction in India’s policy, says Dr Pattanaik.

      Read Complete Article [+]

      February 26, 2019
      IDSA News
    • It remains to be seen whether AL in its third term will be able to address the issue of rampant corruption that has deeply permeated the governance structure as well as the issue of free speech that many believe the ICT Act has impaired.

      December 31, 2018
      IDSA Comments
    • Soft power has become a new currency of power in international relations. It assumes more significance with countries that are sovereign equals but vulnerable to dominance and hegemonic actions by powerful states in international system. Especially in countries that are extremely sovereignty-sensitive, actions through soft power becomes more acceptable as a means of intervention whether it is economic or cultural investment Of dominant powers. American soft power is much more about the attractiveness of America as a liberal democracy.

      Strategic Analysis

