Anushka Saxena

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  • Ms Anushka Saxena is pursuing her Masters degree in International Relations from the O.P Jindal Global University, India, and is concurrently working as a Research Intern with the Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi.

    India’s Space Policy and Counter-Space Capabilities

    As contestation in outer space has evolved into increased militarization since the Cold War era, multiple stakeholders have come to play a significant role in shaping the international regime governing activities of State and non-State actors in outer space. India has interacted with this international regime in a dynamic manner, and currently contributes about 2 per cent to the US$ 360 billion global space industry.

    March-April 2023

    A Decade of US ‘Pivot to Asia’

    The Biden administration has further reinforced and strengthened US strategic priorities towards the Indo-Pacific, a decade after the ‘Pivot to Asia’ by the Obama administration.

    October 27, 2022

    History through a Fissionable Lens: 35 Years of the Chernobyl Disaster

    Even as nuclear safety protocols and processes have been strengthened since the 1986 disaster, learning from Chernobyl should be a continuing, ongoing process.

    June 10, 2021
