S. R. Subramanian

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  • S.R. Subramanian is working as an Assistant Professor at the Hidayatullah National Law University, Chhattisgarh and was with the Terrorism Prevention Branch, Division for Treaty Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, (UNODC), Vienna.

    Use of White Phosphorous in Gaza and Some Limitations of International Law

    Notwithstanding calls for the establishment of an independent and international commission of inquiry to investigate war crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups during the Operation Cast Lead, a legal issue is whether the use of certain weapons by the Israeli forces is in contravention of international law.1

    March 04, 2009

    Pakistan’s Accountability and International Obligations

    If it can be established that Pakistan had supported terrorist groups, this may represent a breach of international obligations and may be held accountable.

    January 06, 2009

    Pakistan’s Accountability and International Obligations

    Undoubtedly, the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks was an international tragedy. It was a crime under international law and as the serious concerns expressed by the UN Security Council demonstrates, it had the potential to threaten international peace and security. Accordingly, it had provoked outright and vehement condemnation by the international community.

    January 06, 2009
