Y. Ashok Babu

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  • Global Health Security for Collaborative Countering of Bio-threat Agents and Infectious Diseases

    In the post globalisation era, countries around the globe have teamed up to cooperate on various issues which include issues related to environment security to maritime security. However there have been very very few steps develop global health security. Most of the national support to this issue is limited only to contributing miniscule amount of money to WHO by developed and developing countries and handling it as a part counter-insurgency strategy. As a result, health security has been limited to a national issue.

    Biological agents: Uncontrolled entry of exotic pathogens a major dent for Indian economy and security

    During and after World War II, various kinds of biological agents were weaponised. These included anthrax causing bacilli, vibrio cholera, and burkhalderia species against livestock, among others. All the countries that are signatory to the BWC have destroyed stockpiles of biological warfare agents. Small quantities of samples are still available with some of developed countries for the purpose of developing vaccines and detection technologies in case of future outbreaks.

    July-December 2011
