Ascendancy of the Religious Right in Bangladesh Politics: A Study of Jamaat Islami

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
    Dr Smruti S Pattanaik is a Research Fellow (SS) at the MP-IDSA. Her area of specialisation is South Asia. Her current research project is titled as “India’s Response to China’s… Continue reading Ascendancy of the Religious Right in Bangladesh Politics: A Study of Jamaat Islami read more

    The ascendancy of Jamaat Islami to power in a country that was born on the basis of secularism indicates the changing political dynamics in Bangladesh. Its syncretic tradition rooted in its language and culture limited Jamaat’s success. Nevertheless, given the role the party played during the liberation war, its political ascendancy speaks of the changing political landscape. This article argues that though the party has exhibited some political success, it faces challenges from the secularists in the socio-cultural sphere, thereby limiting its growth and expansion.

    Posted On: March 1, 2009

    Keywords: Bangladesh, Jamaat-e-Islami, Religious Rights