A Phased Approach to India’s Missile Defense Planning

  • A. Vinod Kumar
    He was worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2006 to 2021 read more

    India’s missile defence explorations had long been hindered by its limited access to advanced interception technologies and slow pace of indigenization. India is now developing lower- and upper-tier systems for air and missile defence applications, while also aspiring for longer range exoatmospheric interception capability. However, considering that India’s requirements are skewed towards lower tier threats, it is prudent to have an all-inclusive architecture that can meet all realistic threats (including air-breathing), with limited financial and political implications. This article formulates a phased approach towards constructing an air/missile defence infrastructure and proposes an enhanced air defence capability as an alternative architecture.

    Posted On: March 1, 2008

    Keywords: India, Military modernization, Missile Defence