Coastal Security: The Indian Experience

  • Pushpita Das
    Dr. Pushpita Das is Research Fellow and the Coordinator of the Internal Security Centre at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. Her areas of… Continue reading Coastal Security: The Indian Experience read more
    IDSA Monograph Series No. 22

    This monograph aims at understanding India’s approach towards coastal security as it has evolved since Independence. It describes the kinds of threats and challenges that India’s coasts have been facing, or are likely to face in future. It critically analyses the various strategies and polices that the Indian government has devised over the years as a response to these threats and challenges. It argues that the implementation of these measures has led to the establishment of a well-defined coastal security architecture. However, the formulation of these measures without first preparing the ground for their effective implementation has revealed a number of inadequacies in the architecture. These have hampered its smooth and effective functioning.

    About the Author

    Dr Pushpita Das is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and a member of the Internal Security Centre. Her areas of interest include Border Management, Coastal Security, and India’s Northeast. She has also been co-opted as an expert on coastal security by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS). She has written extensively on her areas of research and has delivered lectures at a number of training institutes. She holds a Doctorate degree from the Jawahalal Nehru University.

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    Posted On: December 12, 2023

    Keywords: Coastal Security, India