Sky’s No Limit: Space-based solar power, the next major step in the Indo-US strategic partnership?

  • Peter Garretson
    Peter Garretson is an Airpower & Spacepower Strategist, and Grand Stategist. He is currently a visiting fellow at the Indian Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) under the sponsorship… Continue reading Sky’s No Limit: Space-based solar power, the next major step in the Indo-US strategic partnership? read more

    This paper provides a policymaker’s overview of a highly scalable, revolutionary, renewable energy technology, Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP), and evaluates it utility within the context of the Indo-US strategic partnership. After providing an overview of the concept and its significance to the compelling problems of sustainable growth, economic development, energy security and climate change, it evaluates the utility of the concept in the context of respective Indian and US political context and energy-climate trajectories. The paper concludes that a bilateral initiative to develop Space-Based Solar Power is highly consistent with the objectives of the Indo-US strategic partnership, and ultimately recommends an actionable tree-tiered programme to realize its potential.

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