Iran’s Nuclear Imbroglio at The Crossroads: Policy Options For India

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    Dr S Samuel C Rajiv is Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. Prior to joining MP-IDSA in November 2006, Dr Rajiv worked at… Continue reading Iran’s Nuclear Imbroglio at The Crossroads: Policy Options For India read more

    On account of pertinent international, regional and domestic dynamics, the Iranian nuclear imbroglio is at uncertain crossroads. There are however reasons for optimism. This is because of strong opposition from major powers to a military solution, Iran’s continuing engagement with the IAEA and P5+1, and international and even Israeli opinion in favour of giving sanctions more time to work, in case Iranian ‘intransigence’ on its nuclear stance continues. In the light of the above dynamics, the Paper points out dilemmas being encountered by India and ends by exploring possible policy options in the evolving situation. It calls for continued pro-active diplomacy to secure India’s core national interests, including the possible institution of the position of Special Envoy/Policy Coordinator on the Iranian Nuclear Issue, which could be a useful addition to the policy making process to help coordinate various strands involved to arrive at optimum decisions.

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    Posted On: December 18, 2023

    Keywords: India-Iran Relations, Nuclear