IDSA experts publish condensed versions of their research output in the form of op-ed pieces in newspapers. They also participate in media discussions.
Uttam Kumar Sinha
Uday India, December 26, 2009
What happened at Copenhagen summit is not surprising. But the political dynamics post-Copenhagen will be more interesting to observe.
Rajaram Panda
Mainstream, December 12, 2009
Obama faces daunting task how to handle an assertive China and a Japan clamouring for an independent foreign policy stance in the emerging power structure in the Asia-Pacific region.
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Atlantic Review, December 10, 2009
In the Indian context, the COIN campaigns are carried out over a large time frame under the liberal democratic constitutional framework where the state is ready to ‘bleed’ to let the insurgent groups engage the state through various dialogue mechanisms and in some cases even political representation. The successful end of the Mizo insurgency in India’s northeast is a case in point.
Ajey Lele
The Pioneer, November 28, 2009
It’s time to reflect not only on what went wrong before 26-11, but also why Pakistan has hit the pause button on terror.
Pankaj Jha
Gulf News, November 27, 2009
The US, China, Japan and Russia are seeking India’s attention, but New Delhi is keeping all options open
Medha Bisht
Kashmir Times, November 25, 2009
Addressing the existing grievances of mine victims is perhaps the first step towards justifying the use of landmines along its border areas.
A Vinod Kumar
Live Mint, November 26, 2009
Despite vigilance after 26/11, India may be only marginally better prepared to confront terrorism
Sushant Sareen
Jang, November 22, 2009
So long as the public sentiment in India doesn’t get over the deep hurt caused by the Mumbai terror strikes, and there isn’t a satisfactory closure on the fate of the plotters of this dastardly attack, bringing the peace process back on the rails will take some doing
Sushant Sareen
Financial Express, November 22, 2009
Anyone who ever thought that an asymmetric war or a proxy war is a very low cost option and far more effective than good, old-fashioned conventional conflict just needs to look at the experience of Pakistan, and perhaps also the US, to understand how false this notion is.
Meena Singh Roy
The Pioneer, November 21, 2009
The article focuses on the recent Iran-India bilateral which was about the reiteration of an old need to tap manifold possibilities
Uttam Kumar Sinha
Hindustan Times, November 19, 2009
Understanding climate change and security and exploring the intersection between the two will be vital to peace and stability in South Asia
A Vinod Kumar
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 4, 2009
President Barack Obama’s decision to revive the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) has triggered a flurry of discussions in New Delhi, where individuals in the strategic and scientific communities are now vigorously debating India’s options.
P V Ramana
Rediff, November 3, 2009
The home ministry’s decision to agree to talk to the Maoists without pre-conditions may be the first steps to tackling the problem
Rajaram Panda
Deccan Herald, November 3, 2009
Obama’s forthcoming visit will provide an opportunity for Japan to give a new direction to bilateral ties.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, October 30, 2009
India should catch up in providing satellites to ASEAN countries
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Business Standard, October 30, 2009
Innovative counter-narcotic strategies require greater regional cooperation and joint border patrolling, information exchange, legal measures and, most importantly, the provision of alternative livelihoods.
P. V. Ramana
The Pioneer, October 24, 2009
The Maoists have launched their biggest assault against the Indian State and though the government says it is resolved to strike back, its approach, after years of indifference, is bureaucratic and often lacks clarity
Nihar Nayak
The Pioneer, October 24, 2009
P. Chidambaram has all the intentions but he would do well to carry out a SWOT on the government’s position before launching his operation to end the Maoist menace.
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The Hindu, October 23, 2009
Irrespective of the decision the US takes regarding its future in Afghanistan, India needs to remain engaged in that country, albeit with a clearer strategy and renewed commitment.
Rajaram Panda
Mainstream, October 5, 2009
On assumption of office, the Hatoyama government is likely to face critical foreign policy choices but in the near term it will remain engaged in addressing to domestic issues.
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, September 18, 2009
India must strengthen its defensive deterrence mechanism in order to dissuade China’s aggressive behaviour with regard to Arunachal Pradesh.
Ajey Lele
The Pioneer, September 12, 2009
Is democracy a cure-all? That’s a question Afghans are asking themselves after seeing how easily Karzai manipulated the recent election. Another poser: how would Pakistan encash the imbroglio?
Thomas Mathew
Hindustan Times, September 11, 2009
US weapons are fuelling a new arms race in South Asia.
A. Vinod Kumar
Live Mint, September 11, 2009
A recent claim that the thermonuclear device tested in May 1998 was a fizzle has sparked new debates.
Pankaj Jha
Jakarta Globe, September 10, 2009
India and Indonesia are continuing economic reform process after successful elections. There is a need to look for bilateral cooperation in defence, technical assistance, energy, science and technology, anti-piracy, horticulture, manufacturing, investment and small scale industries.
Rajiv Nayan
The Telegraph, September 3, 2009
In the US, there were at least two panels which, in recent years, addressed issues related to the CTBT and inter-institutional rivalry. The fact is that we need oversight by an independent authority.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, September 1, 2009
India’s much-publicised moon mission came to an abrupt end on August 29 when we lost radio contact with Chandrayaan-1.
Rajaram Panda
Mainstream, August 29, 2009
As Japan goes to the polls, all possible indicators point to a resounding victory by the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), thereby bringing to an end to over half a century of domination by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Rediff, August 18, 2009
A credibly-elected Afghan president and his future performance would be critical for an eventual US exit plan from that country.
Rajaram Panda
Deccan Herald, August 18, 2009
Foreign remittances have remained resilient because the migrants have been relatively unaffected by the economic crisis.
Peter Garretson
Kalkion, August 16, 2009
Visiting Fellow and Transformational Strategist Peter Garretson was recently interviewed by Indian Science Fiction Magazine Kalkion by Vishwa Mohan Tiwari regarding his views on Strategic Planning, India, and Science Fiction
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, August 14, 2009
The ongoing ethnic violence in the North Cachar Hills of Assam between the Dimasa and Jeme tribes can be resolved through a process of mutual political consultation, better law enforcement and prudent state interventions.
Rajaram Panda
Deccan Herald, August 10, 2009
The people are getting disenchanted with Liberal Democratic Party’s style of governing.
N.S. Sisodia
The Hindu, August 6, 2009
Let Hiroshima’s tragic past not be the world’s future.
Peter Garretson
The Space Review, August 3, 2009
The Obama Administration has released Presidential Study Directive 3 (PSD-3) calling for a review of US National Space Policy. IDSA Visiting Fellow Peter Garretson outlines a number of long term considerations in crafting a Space Policy for the 21st Century.
Ajey Lele
The Pioneer, August 1, 2009
No more Mukti Bahinis and LTTEs but ‘offensive diplomacy’ on Balochistan could lead to Pakistan being exposed as a criminal state that double-deals not just India and the United States, but also its own people
Narendra Sisodia
The Economic Times, July 31, 2009
Buying arms is not the same as buying cars or computers. The arms market is a complex one. The supply-side is controlled by governments and multilateral export regimes, while the demand side is usually a government or its agency.
Sushant Sareen
Rediff, July 27, 2009
For the Pakistan army, India is the adversary, the taliban an ally. But if Pakistan’s interests are served by keeping the Taliban option alive, then what sort of a war is Pakistan fighting against the Taliban?
Nisha Sahai Achuthan
Hindustan Times, July 16, 2009
There’s no single-point solution to naxalism. Over the years, there has been a refocus on the linkage between security and development.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, July 14, 2009
North Korea’s botched attempt at cyber war is still a wakeup call for all.
Peter Garretson
Times of India, July 10, 2009
India faces a profound problem in meeting its future energy needs to sustain growth.
Rajaram Panda
Deccan Herald, July 10, 2009
There is a lot of scope for lifting bilateral relationship if Japan agrees to cooperate in civil nuclear sector.
Thomas Mathew
Hindustan Times, June 23, 2009
The Chinese Navy has gained immense strength. India should practice caution.
Rajaram Panda
The Statesman, June 19, 2009
Despite the UN sanctions and with China and Russia unlikely to cooperate with the USA and Japan, North Korea’s behaviour remains unpredictable.
Nihar Nayak
The Pioneer, May 30, 2009
The UCPN-Maoist may act as a moderate opposition party in the present democratic setup rather than reverting to another phase of violent revolution.
N.S. Sisodia
The Hindu, May 26, 2009
With India facing daunting security challenges, support for sound policy research will be crucial to craft wise policies to meet them.
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, May 14, 2009
India urgently requires a foreign policy vision if it wants to influence global issues on its own terms at the systemic level.
Ajey Lele
Deccan Chronicle, May 3, 2009
Placed over the Equator at an inclination of 41 degrees, Risat-2 will also monitor India’s coastline and the seas – including the route used by Kasab and none other terrorists.
Ajey Lele
Sunday Pioneer, May 2, 2009
There are chances that the LTTE could bounce back, with or without Prabhakaran in another form, if the Sinhalas and President Rajapakse don’t show magnanimity in their hour of victory
Alok Rashmi Mukhopadhyay
Sunday Pioneer, May 3, 2009
Terrorism: Patterns of Internationalisation is a well-timed endeavour to dissect international terrorism as well as its regional variants.
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, April 24, 2009
The US “Af-Pak” policy requires urgent reframing in order to ensure long term stability in the South and West Asian regions.
Om Shankar Jha
Rashtriya Sahara (Hindi), April 20, 2009
Naxals have resorted to indiscriminate violence to disrupt the ongoing democratic process. However democracy has prevailed…
P. Stobdan
The Week, April 26, 2009
The biggest challenge to the new government will be to restore the ability to exercise political autonomy.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, April 21, 2009
What lies behind official evasions over India’s satallite launch. India should not lose time; it must develop a separate military space programme.
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, April 8, 2009
An understanding of four future scenarios for Pakistan-2020-25 will perhaps help in better formulating the Obama’s Administration’s Afghanistan-Pakistan policy.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, April 7, 2009
North Korea’s missile/satellite launch raises many questions. It isn’t in India’s interest to see others using space technology as a camouflage for their military necessities.
Thomas Mathew
Hindustan Times, March 18, 2009
India’s defence budgeting hasn’t kept up with its security realities.
P Stobdan
Times of India, March 13, 2009
The Tibetan cause has received the world’s attention but China has successfully resisted scrutiny by maintaining a seemingly non-negotiable Tibet policy.
N. S. Sisodia
Indian Express, March 04, 2009
Higher outlay alone does not translate into greater security unless it is based on sound planning and can be optimally utilised.
Sreeradha Datta
Express Buzz, March 03, 2009
On morning of February 25, Bangladesh Rifles, its border security guard, laid siege to their own Pilkhana headquarters at Dhanmondi in the heart of Dhaka. The root of the problem lies in the obvious disparities between the BDR and the army.
Alok Bansal
The Asian Age, February 27, 2009
With Pakistan filing the FIR against those involved in Mumbai attack, what should India do? Can Pakistan be trusted? Alok Bansal argues that India must keep its options open.
Arvind Gupta
Daily Excelsior, February 09, 2009
The most likely geo-political consequence of the global economic crisis will be the weakening of the relative influence of the West in the global affairs.
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, January 30, 2009
President Barack Obama’s first media interview on his West Asia policy to al Arabiya, an Arab news channel, though unprecedented, could face obstacles towards its smooth implementation in the region.
P Stobdan
Times of India, January 27, 2009
There are strong reasons to pick out Kazakhstan, not only for it being the strategic focal point of Central Asia, but also because it is the most dynamic amongst the former Soviet republics.
Ajey Lele
The Pioneer, January 24, 2009
Post 26/11 fault-lines are becoming increasingly visible amongst Pakistani ruling elite. Is there a window of opportunity for India to exploit these fault-lines?
Namrata Goswami
Outlook India, January 23, 2009
President Barack Obama will have to undertake several grand strategic decisions in the next four years in order to craft a more multilateral approach in order to address global challenges like terrorism, climate change, and nuclear proliferation.
Ajey Lele
Indian Express, January 22, 2009
Israel used various weapons for demolishing the Hamas strongholds at Gaza. Few of these weapons were used for the first time in any conflict and Israel continued with its offensive in spite of global condemnation.
Sreeradha Datta
Express Buzz, January 14, 2009
The election at one level has ended the uncertainties in Bangladesh and restored democratic politics, and at another the Awami League’s victory should enable India to seriously engage with Bangladesh.
Arvind Gupta & Ashok K Behuria
Indian Express, January 6, 2009
The election results in Bangladesh must have surprised even the most ardent sympathisers of Awami League leader Sheikh Hasina. What do the electoral results mean for India-Bangladesh relations?