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Rajesh Singh asked: How did the structure of the world change after the cold war?

Anit Mukherjee replies: The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the end of the bipolar rivalry between the Warsaw Pact and NATO, which had characterized world politics since the end of WWII. Besides the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, it resulted in freedom for many Eastern European countries from their communist parties and led to a wave of democratization there. Moreover it created a number of new countries in Eastern Europe and in Central Asia . It more or less ended the experiment with communism that began with the Bolshevik revolution. Finally, it led to changes in almost all regional settings in the world. For instance, the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan led to global inattention that ultimately led to the Taliban regime. This democratic triumph also led to global economic growth at unprecedented levels. Finally it also created instability, for instance in the Balkans and in parts of Asia, e.g. Nagorno-Karabakh.
