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  • Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Under the Jackboot

    Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Under the Jackboot

    Publisher: Genesis Publications

    ISBN: 81-7020-680-4 [Download E-Copy] [Buy Now]

    About the Book

    Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), which is the territory which Pakistan had acquired through aggression way back in 1947, remains as a no-man's-land which the world community seems to have forgotten. Comprising of nearly one-third of the original sovereign state of Jammu and Kashmir, it represents one of the biggest human tragedies of the contemporary political map of the world. The most tragic aspect of this region, where the people literally have been living under the jackboot of the military, deprived totally of their democratic rights, is its total neglect by all concerned.

    The overall focus on what is generally understood as the ‘Kashmir Problem’ and on which much discussion has taken place, overlooks the actual occupation, albeit by illegal aggression, by Pakistan of this sizeable chunk of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This book, is one of the pioneering efforts done by Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), to focus on this region. The well-researched papers put together in this volume focus on various aspects of POK, its history, its problem and its present situation. It is a book which opens the doors onto a debate which pertains to the political questions of aggression, international boundaries, as well as the more social questions of ethnic boundaries and identity problems of people within a Nation State.


    1. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir - Jasjit Singh
    2. North-West Under the Maharaja - P. Stobdan
    3. "Azad Kashmir" - Samuel Baid
    4. Politics in "Azad Kashmir" - Samuel Baid
    5. Northern Areas - Samuel Baid
    6. Ethnicity and Human Rights - Aabha Dixit
    7. Index

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